Electra one - programmable midi (CC, SysEx, NRPN) controller



Google Chrome Editor:


A question for owners:

Is it possible to program templates on the device itself, or is it only possible via a software editor?

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You need the software editor.

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That’s too bad. It looks like it’s built to last, but as we know, software editors are not.

Actualy, it is a web editor.


Thank you for the clarification. My concern still stands, though. Software changes often and a lot.

I understand your concern but web browsers are less outdated :wink:
I wish it is standalone too btw …


Well, I just like the web editor A LOT. :slight_smile: Basically, because I can update or make editors anywhere, even if I don’t have the device with me. And in my case, no doubt it’s much faster to set up. But obviously that’s only like… my opinion.


Hrm, there should just be a way to save the page and use it locally? I think all the logic is in JavaScript, not on the server.

The would be nice too, but the best would be on device editing, IMO. Stand-alone editor could suffer the same fate as a web-based browser. As durable as the hardware appears to be. :slight_smile:

How I would love to try one of these!

Given how complex the presets actually are, it’s very unlikely you could build a meaningful editor into the system — certainly not without a real keyboard. Is a documented open format, though, and you can write them without the editor — they’re just json under the hood.

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By standalone I meant editing directly on the device :wink:

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So, these are back in stock. I’m interested! Do people still recommend them?

For what application?

I would look at the Electra One to (1) centralise control of a number of instruments and (2) add more tactile control.

I have a new 1010 Bluebox and a Micromosta 2 - both fantastic but limited in terms of knobs/controls. I also have an A4 (with lots of flipping through pages to find params) and Argon 8 (though this is relatively easy to control direct).

I could alternatively look at a Faderfox controller or even a simpler Novation Launch Control, but this seems like it might be more flexible.

Is anybody using this in standalone with an Octatrack mk2 succesfully? With smooth parameter changes?

Yes :slightly_smiling_face:

I love mine and gave away a Faderfox EC4 (?) and do not look back.
It is perfect for equipment that lack controllers. I use it with my AS-1, my Korg NTS,
my Medusa and also tried it briefly with my OT (for me the OT offers enough options though). I also made templates for DAW software, like Chromaphone, XO, String Studio.
Updates are still coming and even though the forum is not extremely active, the developer listens to advice and suggestions.

The hardware is super solid and top quality in my opinion. Editor through Chrome browser works well. A winner in my opinion :wink:

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this is a very valid point

though, Im happy to say we are safe from this …

the presets are sent as sysex, and are in json format.
both are documented, including json schema so even if the editor disappeared others could step in.
(also Electra are working on a standalone editor, which I hope will be open source)

finally, Ive created a C++ library that will interface with the sysex/json, which Im using to build my own ‘applicatioin’ - this will be released as open source shortly :wink:

open source -> durability in software !

btw: for sure, it would be impractical to have the editor on the device, its far too comprehensive for that … and it’d be very uncomfortable to create/edit large presets.

one thing I love about the editor is because its all sysex, it will actually worth thru a midi router - so you do NOT have to connect the E1 to your computer directly.
this is fantastic, means my E1 is directly connected to my iConnectivty mioXM where it can talk to all my instruments and also my daw… and I can still edit quickly.

so yeah, Id definitely recommend its a great piece of hardware, and the firmware is being actively developed (the new snapshot feature is really useful)

I think the only thing about ANY controller is being ‘dedicated’ enougth to actually set things up and do the mappings.

whilst the E1 website has quite a lot of presets for various synths, I generally create my own,
the reason is simple … my E1 is not interfacing to one synth per preset, but rather many.

e.g. on one page, I have a few Octatrack controls, another some ‘selected’ Virus controls, another page has generic controls sent to my eurorack. etc…
this really allows it to one place to control things from - a kind of performance hub.


Sorry, I know that is the idea and the dream, but it has not worked out that way with the open source gear I have used. As a lowly, non-programming end user.

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