Elektron Analog Keys : Is discontinued

Just a Retrokits cable away…


Sure. Not really as elegant as proper polychaining, though, where there’s a “master” device that can change the settings of the other ones in whatever fashion as if using a 12-voice synth. Still, it’s better than nothing :slight_smile:

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I got some pretty great gear deals this week - I feel like with Superbooth dominating everyone’s GAS, and folks looking to offload for new - it’s a sweet spot for people looking to get a good deal.


I just missed out on a near mint second hand AK - bugger!
These things are getting harder to come by.
After overlooking it for so long I’ve realised the AK is the perfect middle ground between the softer, woolier A4 mki and the hard, precise A4 mkii, and with the interface (keys, joystick, i/o) for more expressive, complex music.
And now I can’t find one


Keep your eye out on it now that it’s becoming rare. It’s one of the few synths I use for song writing when I hit the wall


Reverb has a few… One on there right now for $700 although not “mint” but it looks nice to me.

I was intrigued by the Analog Keys from the beginning, but the apparent distance between the user and it’s tiny screen kept me away…

You can get stands for projectors that look like music stands except that they have a tiny lip on each side that will catch the bottom of the AK but are not tall enough to interfere with key action. Then, tilt the stand for knobbing, and tilt back for jamming.

A Mk2 AK with a Moog hinge would be dangerously tempting.

Pretty sure this one will work.


Those Reverb listings aren’t available in my country unfortunately.

@rdh I had the same concern but only ever saw one or two people complain about it, with many others saying it’s a non-issue. The place I intend to put it and the way I intend to use it, I don’t think it’d be an issue for me

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I have one sitting here that I barely use, solely because I cant find a physical place for it that makes sense… :joy:

I think it’s the best version of the three. I wish it were a little smaller, but the joystick and after touch are amazing. It’s so much fun! Hope you find one soon.


I’m nearly done driving from SF to Chicago - less than 500 miles to go today. I’ve been loading my entire studio into the car every morning, and then into the night’s hotel every evening. The AK’s box is BIG.


Just wanted to say, that the analog keys really is not a big synth - compared to almost any other synthesizer with full size keys, it’s a dwarf.


Haha - was just gonna say the same :). However, in a car, any size of synth feels too big.

AK is roughly the same size as the UltraNova (full size keys) and Jupiter Xm (mini keys). I gave my UltraNova away to the guy who bought my 6u Euro case. Jupiter is in a soft case in the trunk. I felt bad breaking down the Jupiter’s box and sending it to recycling, but there was no other way to fit it in the car.


Reality sets in….

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It feels fancy to actually need to use the luggage cart. Two loads, and that’s just for the stuff not in the trunk.

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Yeah, I’ve never been fancy enough for those either… some day maybe :thinking:

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