Elektron bag concerns [chemicals]

The point here is why they do not use material witch are cancer free ! I have the same bag :smiley: :smiley:

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No plastics are cancer free. No metallic coatings on zippers are cancer free. All of them would require the same warning in Cali.

Its just a general warning they are forced to put of stuff if certain chems are part of the process.

You know…entering a parking structure is probably more toxic.

Just dont eat the bag :wink:

You can find this on a plethora of devices, from almost any company. Even my Novation Circuit came with a label like that. Most packing materials and most boxes will have that label on it. That’s why “new gear” smell is so pungent with some devices. It’s nothing to be too worried about though unless you plan on ingesting the bag or box lol.

Wasn’t there a cancer warning on coke recently. DuPont were found to be poisoning local communities , tobacco companies have been knowingly causing cancer for years but constantly deny it and spend Millions on politicians.

This thread is totally click bait bullshit

Also I think eu has more strict regulations than usa in many areas. .

I bet the ink that CA forces companies to use to print that garbage on packages is more toxic than the chemicals they are warning about

Funny enough cigarette companies don’t even hide it. You know those Truth ads to quit smoking? Marlboro pays for those to be made and produced. Probably not by their own will, of course, but still.

They’ve started making their own vape things so they’re covered either way.


Why it continues when the op is uniformed ranting is beyond me.

This is beating a dead horse, but as a resident of California (16.5 years, sheesh time flies), the prop 65 warning appears on just about everything. It’s posted on the wall at coffee shops, bars, etc. It’s not a matter of whether the elektron bag will give you cancer. It’s more that if they want to sell it in California, then it has to carry that warning label (most likely for the plastic content, or the zipper coating, or even if it’s just made in a facility where other products may require the label). Sure, California may be more hippie/crunchy/liberal however you want to put it, but for the most part, we get environmental and health legislation right. The rest of the country eventually gets on board. Anyway, that’s my two cents. Don’t eat/smoke the bag and you’ll live a long, happy life (your elektron box will too).

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To be fair I often read on other forums how eletronauts is edited / threads are closed for no reason.
I suspect the conspiracy will grow if this thread is closed.
Can’t win either way.

Look up MK Ultra.

First time I got this warning here in Sweden. Its on a Magma DJ bag that I bought from Thomann. Did first hiccup, but thanks to this thread I will not eat it, nor smoke it :grin: Jokes aside, it’s nice to hear that it’s nothing to worry about.

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Yes, and-

is the key word.

Obviously we pollute too much as a species, but the warning is a bit overbroad and makes me wonder sometimes if it was intentionally over-broad to diminish the effectiveness and benefit active polluters.

Oof, I wouldn’t do a broad search for it.

This is a pretty comprehensive breakdown of what we know based on the few remaining sources/documents they didn’t incinerate-

I’m pretty sure that almost every non-food product I’ve ever bought has had that warning on it somewhere. And some foods. It’s not a big deal.


everything has that label in cali, even plastic kids toys. any fabric coated with chemicals (hydrophobic/water repellent coatings). anything