Elektron Heat straight to thumb drive?

Actually, I asked a friend if he knew about something like this and he sent me a link to an mp3 recorder that was in the DJ section on Thomann (not sure if I’m allowed to link to it) so you’re probably right - it makes sense that a digital DJ would like to record their full set and would possibly have some kind of mixer that acts like a sound card. Good call, that seems like a good place to continue looking!

One more thing. If you look at the top of your AH, the usb output is not the same a thumbdrive. If you do find something that DJ’s use, you would need an adapter. It would have to be class compliant as well.

Yeah, I would probably need the same type of cable that I use for connecting the AH to my computer, so the ooold usb-b male in one end and a typical usb female in the other.

But just to be clear, this would be my perfect machine: Usb in, usb out and one big record button (that I wish was optional):

Only needs to store a couple of gigabytes, since the main reason is bringing a single mixed down track to another studio, or an internet-connected computer, or whatever your needs be.

AH isn’t a class compliant host and neither is a thumb drive. Whereas, a computer is a host. That’s the problem here regarding OP’s ideal solution. So, a phone, field recorder or a DAW/audio program template on a computer are the only options afaik.


I guess the phone’s out of the question as well then… From my experience, recording into a phone is much more fiddly than recording into a DAW.


Yeah, what you want is a field recorder with line inputs. The quality will be fine, and they usally date stamp files. They often function as a card reader as well, so you can plug it via usb cable into pc to access the files.

Literally the only difference in this scenario is using audio cables instead of usb and using the recorder’s AD instead of the Heat’s AD.

Like you could maybe configure one of those pc on a stick things to boot reliably straight into reaper an appropriately setup reaper session and create macros for starting/stopping recording and all that but man it would be a lot of hassle for little reward.