Elektron Interfaces are unnecessarily difficult

I know this won’t garner me any friends, and this topic might get removed, and I might get kicked off the forum, which I don’t want, but it is worth the risk to say what I think should be said: Elektron Gear interfaces are dumb. I don’t mean everything (well maybe everything on the OT), but I do mean the most basic stuff on all their machines, including loading, saving, locating sounds, transferring, importing, exporting. I have an A4 MKII, an OT MKII and a Model:Samples. Messing around with each is fun, interesting and not too difficult (except the OT is pretty much always difficult). But the other stuff, as in, what to do with anything you want to save, move, get back to, transfer out, import, find, locate, mix with other stuff, is just… stupidly difficult.

Yes, yes, I know, maybe it is me that is just stupid, and Elektron definitely has made me wonder if that is the case, since so many folks around here seem to get it to its very nitty gritty depths, which is cool and fascinating to me. It might also be that there are those here who spend the necessary time getting used to the way Elektron does stuff so it becomes second nature. I suppose if I were willing to spend several weeks with only an electron box, or maybe two, get to know it really, really well, and then use it regularly, several times a week, I could get to proficiency (I sort of did that with the A4 last year), but here’s the thing: If I step away from a box, should it really be like a cloud of confusion when I come back to it a few months later and want to do the simplest things? No. It should not be that way, and since this doesn’t happen with any other box I own, but it does happen with every Elektron box I own, I think that says more about the stupidity of Elektron’s interface designs than it does about my intelligence.

I bought three new sound packs from a third-party today. One was for my Iridium. The other was for the Cobalt8M. The third was for the A4. I easily (as in a matter of a minute or two) transferred the patches, samples, etc. to the Iridium and Cobalt and was using them instantly. I got stomach pains thinking about doing this with the A4, and for good reason. I could see that I had previously purchased other sound packs for the A4 (from Elektron’s website no less) and had given up trying to use them via transfer.

Despite numerous attempts, I was not successful, either transferring over or locating any transferred material). Transfer 1.4 said the project was transferred (I assume with all the sounds, kits, whatever that needed to be there). Yet, I couldn’t locate it on the A4. I am sure there is some stupidly unique and mysterious way of locating the transferred material from the computer to the A4 that I will figure out by doing searches here, at GearSpace, reddit or in the manual (and yes I did read the manual). But, really, should this be necessary for something so basic and simple? No. It is dumb. And this is also the case with the OT and the Model:Samples. I may some day sell the lot, and never look at another Elektron box again. I like complex (Iridium, Korg, Wavestate), which have depths equal to or way beyond the A4, but they are accessible, and smartly designed. I am very intolerant of stupid design (things are way more difficult than they need to be because the designers didn’t think about the perspectives of the users), no matter how capable the machine (OT is king here).

Just my two cents. I do hope I didn’t offend anyone. This is not just a rant (although it is a rant). I think it is a fair statement about how dumb Elektron designs are for content management (as well as many other interface elements). I also feel pretty confident that there are others here who have felt the exact same way I do right now.


I don’t think it is an unwarranted thing to say. I’ve had plenty of gear that didn’t make sense to me no matter how I worked at getting to know it. Elektron has always made sense to me. Its pretty inexplicable what gear I’ll gel with workflow wise and what gear I won’t.


Look, I tried to read the whole thing.


I totally agree, but I like the tunes I make with these convoluted interfaces.


It would help me a lot if overbridge exposed all settings/menus on each box. I know we can do some sound management etc on there but IMO it would be really helpful to be able to access every aspect of the box through a computer screen. More info can be displayed than the small screens of the boxes. And when things are as complex as elektron boxes can get - anything would help!


‘I dont understand something, there for it is dumb’



Yeah, I thought I’d get some snarkiness. Okay.


That’s actually the opposite of what I said.


Its the transfer software you have a problem with not the device?

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It doesn’t matter, all that. It disappears when you know the instrument. The aim is not to be easy to learn, logical, discoverable and Fisher-Price, the aim is the utmost power to the musician. But that entails a period of learning. When you get one of these instruments under your belt, the quirks often become essential features.

Look at it this way: no first year piano student is expected to really understand the full keyboard. To them the 12 notes and black keys are just as arbitrary, but as they learn that changes and it becomes a launching pad for exploration.

I learned the AK pretty solid by taking each feature at a time and getting it down before trying the others. But I read the whole manual so I was aware of the full scope.

But if your needs are more straightforward Elektrons are not the best choice.


Laughs in Jomox :nerd_face:


I’m glad you got that off your chest.

I found theDT/DN very intuitive.

Octatrack was difficult at first but if it was instant it wouldn’t have the same amount of depth/instantaneous for those who are happy to invest the time on what is actually a very minimal interface for the amount of features it contains, it’s a good thing…

I swear I’ve read this thread before…

Can’t beat that clickedy-clackedy though, right?


Ive been playing drums on and off for over 20 years. I still struggle with single hand 16th notes.

Does that meand 16th notes are dumb? That drums are dumb?

No it just means I havent learned it yet.

It takes as long as it takes.


I understood that reference.


If you’re getting pressed in the left brain, either make it simpler for yourself or just get simpler instruments.

Both strategies have worked for me. Complex gear is attractive because you don’t want to limit your potential, but it’s what you actually do with the gear that matters, not what you could do.

-less gear
-acoustic instruments
-live record mode, play these instruments not program them
-set up non-music time for data management, or limit instruments that use samples or complex preset structures
-analog is good
-1 knob per function is good


I was just having some fun, and I hope I didn’t offend. I really just wanted something that I could finish this weekend, so I picked up Infinite Jest instead.


Full snark warning:

I played my saxophone out of tune until I practiced enough to correct my intonation throughout the range of the horn. I also couldn’t improvise to charts until I committed chords and chord inversions to muscle memory.

That’s my somewhat related, sorta on-topic anecdote.

It’s okay if you’d rather be a trumpet player, by the way.


Snark 2: Electric Bugaloo.


I don’t think so, in fact for the most part I think the opposite, I find most of it intuitive. Some other gear is much worse IMHO. But horses for courses innit.


I think it’s important to figure out what works for you. A computer interface might be a lot better. I can’t do Korg stuff, I am not sure why but I tried many time and although the machine a great on paper, I can’t do it. Same thing with the Op-1… Old MPC stuff works well with my brain - new MPC I can’t, better use a laptop. So you have to keep on trying different gear until something works. Of course you have to put the hours too, but I think at the core it has to work within how you think.

I bough an Dgitak first, and it just worked for me, felt too limited, move to the OT and it just worked. Love the card size ( I use the same card for my field recorder) Love the file copy system no need software to manage it. The UI just worked since day one… So I wouldn’t put too much effort in trying to make it work for yourself.