Elektron machine that can pre listen trig sound?

Hi !

I think I understood that Elektron DT and DN have since the last firmware the possibilities to pre-listen a trig without having the sequencer running…

I would like to know if it is possible to do that trig pre listen with other elektrons, as OT , A4, MD ?

thanks !

I think this is only in that new firmware for the Digi’s.


Yep, so far only the Digis have this functionality. I think A4, AR and both of the Models will get it at some point. Not sure if OT will get it – seems to be pretty much maxed out – but never say never :slightly_smiling_face:

Works on A4/AR (trig+pad/keyboard) as well but it will alter the trig and set it to the new note/velocity.


It’s really important they implement that on the OT.
Not really easy to use elektron with ableton because the sequencer will restart each time from the beginning… So at least, this implementation of pre listen is important.
So complicated with or without having a computer to organise and create a sound with the need each time to re listen all the pattern.
The machine is good to research sounds ok but it is important to have access to the sound you have created :cold_face:

Please upgrade guys… :face_with_monocle:

One more question

  • is this working with midi track also ?
    If the concerned A4 trig channel is made to input sound and that the channel is set to sequence an external synth ?
    -is this working with different poly settings ?