Elektron site not working at present

That was underwhelming

Same here but itā€™ll be here yesterday. Amazing how clever this thing seems to be!

Ok for me in Belgium ! :upside_down_face:

Again i am in UK working on all Os Windows ios macos

You have issues with your local providers

Elektron working the marks

Working now for me again.

This is a thread ?

For anyone wondering in future, there are dozens of web-sites that will check :
Is this website down or is it just me?

Hereā€™s one:

In this case itā€™s just you.


Yeah if it was a typical error like a 404 I usually check on https://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/ but the fact it was sort of there was why I did not check that, I thought maybe it was an update or something. Strange it was down in a few countries, but not for all in that country, although it could be if they were viewing a cached version maybe, or some other network routing thing I guess.

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ā€¦older safari versions getting too outdated for processing/handling some backend content these daysā€¦i also have some browser functions here, that just wonā€™t do it no more on my older safari, while run smooth as always on my latest safariā€¦
but iā€™m just an apple userā€¦what the heck do i knowā€¦ :wink: