Elektronauten in Germany (in English bitte)

Berlin. I hate jamming, but might be up for playing live sometime in 2023.


Grüße aus Fürth/ Nürnberg! <3


Yes I agree that jams can be terrible and if more than 2 people are involved it´s likely to turns into a big mush.
But I would be up for a meet up, nerd chat/check if anyone´s interested

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Griaß Eich, südlich von München/Bavaria.

Oberursel, also nicht weit von FFM (wo ich arbeite).

Habe auch mal in Darmstadt gewohnt wo wir, unter anderem in ober ramstadt Verwandtschaft haben.

Was für Musik macht ihr denn? Bei mir techhouse

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In Berlin there is still the 19-Zoll-Stammtisch! Happening once a month @ beautiful OHM

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Somewhere between Hamburg and Lübeck

Close to Lorsch, which is home to Running Back Records, though. As far as house music labels are concerned, couldn‘t be any further from Pampa. :rofl:

Hailing from the greater Mannheim/Heidelberg area myself.

Am in Berlin, too. Jamming sounds nice, but would also be great even to have some food or a drink together, talking about Synths etc.

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Here also Berlin. We jam weekly in my basement studio. We (my two bandmates and I) are always open to collaborating or jamming together.

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Black Forest, omewhere between Freiburg and Stuttgart

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Bochum - Tief im Westen wo die Sonne verstaubt :wink:

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I’m in Berlin.

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Aalen, von der Ostalb naa :wink:

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Hello to all from München

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Frankoforte :beers: (Unfortunately no Applewine Emoji here… :neutral_face:)

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Specifically, I‘m wondering if there are any Berlin Ambient musicians in this forum that like to meet/jam? :thinking:

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Greetings from Tübingen (50km south of Stuttgart) :slightly_smiling_face:

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