Elektronauts Hip-Hop Beat Battle #13 Shostakovich Edition - Voting and Feedback

The voting is usually the points thing but if it is a draw, the fact that @Sleepyhead got more first places should weigh it in his favour anyway, so bigups to Sleepy.
And thank you for any votes/comments people :slightly_smiling_face:

Personally, this was one of the toughest ones to choose a winner from.
Looking forward to the next one




Ok. No need to vote, if we don’t count properly…everybody choose its winner…or count the way he likes…

I think it’s the host to decide their own way, especially when there is a draw.
Best practice is for the host to cast their vote before closing the poll so they can use it to break ties.
Another alternative is to offer the winners to host next battle together.

Anyway, results were published, it’s important to respect the host’s choice for the sake of the excellent spirit these battles are run with!

Congratulations @Sleepyhead!
And every single person who entered the battle!


Wow thanks guys! I really didn’t expect to win this one because the overall level of the submissions, and because a lot of people (deservedly) got votes. I truly feel honoured to be part of this talented group. Since the 3 of us got nearly the same amount of votes I’ll regard this one as a 3 way tie with @Yabba and @Unifono, great beats guys! I’ll send you a pm for setting up the next one…

Also thanks for hosting this one @polarfox! It was a good edition with some great music!

Since the results are in I’d also like to share my notes on the tracks that weren’t in my top 3:

1.Cool buildup with all the elements coming in. Reminds me of an 80’s slick rick vibe.

4.Great fit with the acapella. Drums are smacking and varied, the horn stabs sounds dope.

6.Drums are punchy as hell. Love the classical elements and the choir coming in in the chorus. Just missed my top 3.

7.Props for going all instrumental, very solid beat. The drum rolls/variations sound great. This beat sounds ready for an mc.

8.love this intro! Great compressed sound and fx (sp404? ;))! Love the section with the flutes. For some reason this beat sounds very christmassy to me.

10.Crazy original sound. Drums are kind of understated but this is really funky in an unexpected way.

11.Doom like intro. I love the mix on this. Very trippy track alltogether, would fit on any alternative hiphop album as is. Really impressed by this one.

12.Very solid, from drums to bass and guitar stabs. Didn’t know the acapella, but it matches the sound of beat very well.

13.Crazy bombastic oldschool sound. Not something I would ever make, but I really appreciate the skills that went into this. Love the mix as well.

Edit: the forum messed up the numbers


Well deserved win fella, thanks for the kind words… looking forward to the next cook up…:+1:


haha… thanks. i wasn’t sure about the vocals at first but left them as is.

the main goal for all my music is to remain on the edge of being unlistenable.


That sounds like a good album title for some industrial noise stuff :joy:


Beat me to it, maybe we should make a beat tape called that…:sweat_smile:

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Mission accomplished!

Sorry if I came across harsh, it really grew on me :v:

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no offense taken! i appreciate all the feedback and hope mine is helpful, too. your comment made me chuckle.


If it corresponds to my unlucky number that’s me, thanks !
It’s the occasion to say that I did it with OT only*(audio editing 50 loops, adapting tune and tempo, sequence, scratch, mix, recording). I only used provided samples except Public Enemy acapella.

Listening and editing all Shostakovich piece to extract samples in OT was challenging !

Helped me to improve my workflow, it was very interesting.
Cheers all.

I’m interested to know what you all used to make your beat btw…

*Normalize and additional compressor in DAW.


Yeah that was you! Dope to hear you did it all on the OT, you made it sound great!

Mine is done entirely on the AR, some minor limiting and the acapella added in logic.


All Ableton as usual and serato sample, used my go to drum rack for the kick and snare…

Here are my samples if anyone is interested…


Me too


I did initial sample selection and timestretch in Audacity, then slicing/arrangement/fx on the M8.

I (correctly) got notes that my last beat was too muddy, so I rendered stems and tried to mix in Audacity. I… severely overcorrected. Maybe if I keep swinging back and forth between extremes, I’ll hit a reasonable mix by battle 20 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:



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Props to the winners, another well deserved victory!
It’s good to be back in, it was a great battle, the level is increasing everytime!


We’re cooking up something nice for battle 14! I hope you guys practiced your martial arts skills cause battle 14 is for the children


It sound good!

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