Elektronauts Hip Hop Beat Battle #9: [Phase 3] Motherland edition

If everyone else is cool with that, I’d flippin love to! You down @waftlord?


Alright y’all, @waftlord and I have been scheming, and we should have a new battle coming at you around Thursday or so of next week! If more time between now and the next battle would be helpful, let us know. :grin:


Depending on the timeline I will probably have to miss this one because we will be traveling for some time with the family. On the other hand, i have my iPad and a Po33 with me, so there is still a chance to submit something.


A PO-33 might come in very handy for this battle…:wink:


Koala or beatmaker 3 and you are set :+1:


Awesome! No excuses then :sunglasses:

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You should see how @PineappleDave was killing it a few editions ago with his PO-33. No excuses ! :smiley:


Unfortunately for me, I think that has more to do with talent and experience than with the machine in question :joy:


I’ve just started a new job so might not be able to be in the next one. Hopefully I will though :crossed_fingers:

Hope the Motherland comp sees the light of day too. Brilliant selection of beats. And I’m pretty fussy :joy: Def want to fix mine up though if it’s to happen!


I hope the comp happens too😁 and no worries if you can’t do it. We should be giving y’all 2 weeks or so to make the beat once the prompt is out, so hopefully you can find time somewhere in there.


I decided to backup my Digitakt over the weekend I saved over 80 projects some with five or six different beats per project.
I then formatted the drive so I could start again from scratch and I loaded a few beats that I saved just to check.
All projects transferred both ways without error yet there’s samples missing from all the ones I tried to reload back.

Absolutely gutted to lose 2 years of beats if that’s the case :slightly_frowning_face:

But on the plus side I now have an empty Digitakt

It’s likely that you erased your samples.
I don’t think they are saved within the project.
Good thing is the Digitakt recognize the samples wherever they are on the +Drive.

So if you reupload the missing samples (given you also saved them somewhere) your project should work without a problem.


Cheers mate, the samples were definitely saved, in fact one of the missing samples was a sample I had made about multiple beats with, and was a kind of go to sample that I pulled different elements from and that was missing too.
I dunno though I may recheck it because the file size of the saved projects match up with what I scrubbed from Digitakt.
I’ll give it another look because it must be all in there somewhere.

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Good luck!

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Hope you sort this out nice and quick :slight_smile:


Well I’ve just loaded a project back up, and the missing samples are there but the ones that won’t load to their correct slots now seem to have some digital white noise/info attached to the start of them for some reason so I assume that’s why they won’t load to where they should be.
I’ll probably contact Elektron as it must be some kind of bug.

I’ve been listening to these again this morning. What a great bunch of tracks (my shockingly muddy non-mix excepted :joy:) and they go really well together. That bandcamp album needs to happen.