hey guys… I need to say this … I think I know why this forum has such a hard time with negativity …
it is the incredible almost insurmountable technical side of our beloved elektron boxes …
if you known me here for a while, I started really random threads about this and that, VERY OFTEN far away from anyting technical (farting, drugs, jobs, chords, we make a track together, am I an artist, … )
these threads remain to this very day extremely civilised and supportive… this is who we are…
if you look at a MS20, ESX, Juno, Sh101, volci, etc… you will not find technical question next to the music creationism… N O N E …
elektron is so versatile, so deep, so confusing that it ultimately leads to aggresion and frustration.
why the fuck is the naming scheme so of? why the fuck is this not fully developed? why the fuck is my toaster not quantised? why the fuck is this button not there, this output not routable, the faderspeed not incremental… ?
other gear does not have this issue… other gear grately telly you 1 LFO, 1 ENV, 3 Octaves, thats it… you get what you paid for…
but we are required to learn a new set of vocabulary terms combined with extreme menu diving, before we really get to talk about sound shaping, which is generally just the sole conversation of other gear …
.jepp… that is it! … we are a cool bunch of folk, well aged and pretty supportive… but there is a lot of users on here who arrive here( rightfully and understandably) with a sense of helplessness, frustration and demotivation…
now some confusing words. … trigless trigs, plocks, slocks, scene, arranger, pickupmachine, ext mode, fx track, pattern vs kit, poly mode, snapshot vs samplebank, incoming folder, c6, song mode etc…