Encoder issue?

Hi guys

digitakt arrived today :slight_smile: what a great little box

though maybe an issues with the encoders , when i try and clear a parameter lock by holding the trig and clicking the encoder it takes a few goes to clear it (3 / 4 clicks?) some are different to others, maybe the encoders haven’t broken in yet or something , wondering if its wise to send back or just keep jamming with it to see if it gets better :slight_smile: or am i missing something, thoughts ?

cheers n beers

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It’s a know bug supposed to get fixed.


This is known, particularly with enabling MIDI channel. The encoders are so sensitive, that its easy to register a microscopic turn when pressing.


yeah i see what you mean, makes sense though shouldn’t see this issue on rev/revl/fwdl/fwd huh ? takes a few clicks on that sometimes and values wont be micro ?

I don’t believe the encoder resolution changes depending on how many values each parameter has. I could be wrong though.

I’d say your right, think i will just go by clear all lock for the time being, there’s something unhealthy about pot clicking anyways, had to replace the rytms pots too many times because of the dreaded click, though these are supposed to be more superior, to early days to tell :slight_smile:

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On the midi page, the secret is to not let the encoder move at all when pushing down.

It takes me quite a few attempts as it’s pretty sensitive!