Enjoy Electronics The Godfather module

That’s not too bad for what it is.

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Quite like the look of this, but unsure about the price. I assume there would be additional import tax to consider for UK orders?

Maybe I am missing something, but I can’t really find good info about the device anywhere. On the homepage there is an overview image and a list of features. That’s it? I need to understand how I can use it in practice. A manual at least, to be able to appreciate the complexity of operation.



Send them an email about it.


I agree. Marketing around a Mafia movie won’t sell anything. Show us the device and more examples. Bad marketing.

That was my thought, just wanted to see if I missed something…

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Nah, I checked but the manual section only has info for the Reminder. There’s a live chat on the site though that could be a quicker way of getting more info out of them. But good luck trying that on a Friday night haha.

If i read the Indiegogo page correctly ( maybe not ) there are only 12 preorders left anyway, so wait a few hours, and it won’t matter, until October or whenever open sales begin. I agree there isn’t enough information, for me at least.

There’s at least one good reason there isn’t yet a more complete review. The Godfather is not done. As the Indiegogo page says :

The project team has a working demo, not the final product.

The joy of crowdfunding.

ADDED : As i wrote this post three more preorders, so down to 9 left.

This is about how the Godfather is sold on Indiegogo, rather than its features.

I’m new to observing Indiegogo, so i’m not sure how the system works. When the group i was observing in the last post ran out, they added another group, this one half as large now with 15 GFs. Six of those are claimed, so there are still 9 left. The discount and promised ship date is still the same.

I don’t know if they just continue to add more, or if there is a hard limit ? Anybody know ?

I pulled the trigger on that.
Quiet some money for sure but I tipped into the modular world with the Subharmonicon recently (well I do have a Volca modular too). And as the nature of modular is, I soon realised that, sooner or later, there will be more of this. Say mother 32 someday.
And I also thought “how nice would it be to build a wee modular effects rack for those machines to have it all nice and neat within the same system.”
Then godfather came along and made me that offer…
As their first effects pedal (reminder) turned out to get some really good critiques I figured that godfather most propably will be a great machine.
Yeah so now it’s time to wait.

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Been checking the indiegogo page over the last weeks and they keep adding perks (= new buying options) for the godfather. There must have been well over 100 units sold that way…
It feels a little deceitful but I assume it’s somewhat common practice on Indiegogo - at least it’s been the same on the only other campaign I had an eye on there…

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I think it is for financial reasons rather than trying to deceive anyone that thy add more units on Indiegogo.
They probably need to secure one batch at a time.


Received my unit last week! It’s been a great investment to bring together my Moog trilogy!


Any manual online yet?

Yep it’s on the enjoy electronics website under support.


Doesn’t cover all functionality yet but they’re still working on quiet some features in the firmware anyways.

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Here’s my first track using the godfather alongside DFAM, SubH and M-32:


Found on YT. Warning, lots of talking :wink:

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They no longer make their Reminder unit?

Yeah also just seen it’s been discontinued.
It’s a very small business I think so maybe they need to focus on one thing at a time?

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Next track I made with the godfather is online!
Such a fun piece of gear!