Eowave Quandrantid Swarm

Release knob all the way cw probably do the job.

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Just found an interesting use for the LFO modulation on the second filter, setting it to a very slow speed to enable the sound to slowly move in and out of a track. In the example below, the Swarm plays a very simple sequence (the bariton sax like melody) with (controlled random) resets from the Erica sequencer.


Awesome job on the jam. Really enjoyed that.
When you sequence the swarm via midi from the MS does that mean you are playing midi notes from the elektron rather than using the sequencer on the swarm? Iā€™m having a nightmare getting the swarm to stay in time with midi. Canā€™t find the sweet spot with the tempo potentiometer for love nor money!

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Set it between 12 and 1 oā€™clock. Probably closer to 1. Then stop the master clock and restart. Should work and be steady. Have you turned external clock on? Hold shift when plugging the power in and make sure trigger 8 is on. Then press start.

I believe that when synced via MIDI, the tempo knob acts as a clock divider so bear this in mind when trying to sync.
Maybe start fully ccw and slowly sweep clockwise but stop and restart the MIDI each time you hear the tempo of the Swarm alter. If left, it will take a few moments to catch up and sound even more wrong and lead to the likelihood of turning that knob further.

I hope that makes sense. Itā€™s been a while since I used mine but recall having this issue when syncing but didnā€™t have trouble once Iā€™d sussed this.

Once you get it going, if you can trigger the start/reset with another sequence, big fun can be had and slighlty longer sequences on the swarm :wink:

Lol what ^^ @DaveMech said

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Thank you both, i really appreciate you taking the time to help. Canā€™t wait to give it a go later.


Thank you! The M:S was playing the Swarm via midi for this jam.

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Awesome YouTube channel proper inspirational stuff. Have subscribed. Thanks again for your reply.

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Have got it working perfectly now, thanks again for the tips :bowing_man:ā€ā™‚


can anyone recommend any case for QS, i was thinking maybe it could fit some korg volca case but i dont have any so i dont know,

ALSO: CC issue
every CC works except volume does anyone have the same issue?
i believe its cc #7

There is a version of the QS that has its own case but I donā€™t know if you can buy the case separately after the fact. The unit is an odd, 41 HP wide. This skiff from 4MS would accommodate it and give you a little extra room:


sorry i meant for the desktop version .)

Do you mean a travel case? This one is for an MC-101. Maybe the dimensions are similar and would accommodate the QS:

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yess thx

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here is some odd guy playing the Q Swarm into the RC505


Pulsar-23 and Quadrantid Swarm is an awesome combo, really enjoyed it when I had it. Felt like a Berghain monster. :smiley:

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Yeah I love those two machines! How come you donā€™t have that combo no more???

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Needed the money to buy more stuff to sampleā€¦ Iā€™ll have them back one day. ;D

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