Erica Synths LXR-02 Desktop Digital Drum Synthesizer

Thanks for laying out the facts.

This is encouraging. I wonder how long it takes to load a project. The old way, while limited, at least let you load another set of 8 patterns in the background. Perhaps 02 has a similar background project load.

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From the manual: “If you power down the LXR
without manually saving the project, all changes will be
lost! Data will only be written back to the SD card for
permanent storage once a PROJECT is saved!”
This is the same functionality as the original. This is my biggest gripe of the machine that I was hoping Erica changed. The real question is whether this firmware can be used in the original hardware.
Edit: The update procedure is the same. Another thing I found in the manual, “User manual by Julian Schmidt@Sonic Potions.” !!

I just saw in the doc that they have keeped NRPN :frowning:

Is there any Erica influence on the sound, as opposed to the housing?

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Reading the manual it appears it’s the exact same machine as the LXR1 as far as engine is concerned there were some ergonomic changes by erica and an expanded pattern system that doesn’t have the weird sub steps stuff. Kept the Euclidean mode tho!


More demos:

606 :eyes:

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That playlist is from 8 years ago but like folks have mentioned there’s probably no change to the engines.

I wonder if brendan clarke’s firmware is also gonna re appear. It was also pretty much abandoned for the 01.

All in all, if you don’t have either version i’d suggest getting one and messing with it. It can get super gnarly and it will hurt the feelings of all the roland and ipad drum machines :scream_cat:. If you have a 01, not sure they added enough to merit needing the 02 unless the lack of master volume on the 01 drove you crazy.

This thing looks like it could be a lot of fun. I can’t help but (continue to) wonder what an Elektron digital drum machine / groovebox in the Digi format would be like. But we’re all GAS-ing for that in other threads already, let’s focus on this one!

Those demos sound pretty good to my ears. Unmistakably digital but that’s not a bad thing, it’s just a thing. I want a small and fun groovebox device to make some noise without a computer and this is a new candidate. I keep looking at the TR-8s and MC-707 but the build quality is clearly pretty ropey and the TR-8S FM engine doesn’t sound great in the demos I’ve heard. This looks like it could be quite a lot of lo-fi techno fun and pretty hands on. I’d prefer dedicated knobby controls for every track but then it’s much bigger (and probably more expensive) device or something in a completely different category.

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Touchosc is ur friend (i havent had a chance to redo this on the new version of touchosc)


Or Bastl 60Knobs.

Apparently discontinued, but maybe can be found second hand.


The 60 knobs (discontinued) runs on an atmega 328 which is what is on an arduino. Bastl was kind enough to post schematics so recreating it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone with the know how.

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Now I feel better about preordering before the demos went up


Sounds like this will really benefit from an Acidbox III or Heat for processing. Love the synthesis options but sounds kinda flat and digital (not in a good way) to me in these demos. Hard to resist that Erica case though!


I get microtonic vibes from this thing. Definitely gonna give it a try.

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Since they are sticking to the original firmware, I just hope that any fixes/updates and kits are backwards compatible. If not, that kinda feels like a slap in the face for the OG users. As it is, I’m happy with mine, but I think it’s only fair that we would benefit from the work done on the 02 firmware.


Here’s the “Drumatix” kit on the new device:

The OG has potentiometers, LXR02 endless encoders so the new firmware can´t run on the OG.

I preordered. Couldn’t resist.

My drums are weak so I hope to spend more time practicing.

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Right, so implementation details like these mean the firmware versions are likely not identical. Still, one can hope there is a plan to backport bug fixes and improvements that are hardware-independent :pray:

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