Erm… digitone is bad gear

Funny - I wasn’t interested in the Digitone in the least, until I saw the AudioPilz video!

you should check out oscillator sink & ivar tryti’s digitone walkthroughs if you haven’t yet

haha I’m not sure I have that level of noteriety but I’ll choose to be flattered :slight_smile:

Each to their own!


damn are people still crying about this old video? its only “Bad gear” if you dont use it.


it’s 9 days old

That’s his schtick, everything he reviews is “Good gear,” or he makes it sounds awesome.

There’s gear that people complain about and then there’s gear no one uses.


The screen filling up is a two-second trope. You’re not supposed to screenshot and read them all, except for personal amusement. He could make them up and have the effect he wanted, but he doesn’t need to. It’s always possible to find excessively harsh, off-base, or just plain wrong criticism, and that is his point.





i was just saying that’s what he bases his criteria for classifying something as “bad gear” on. i guess the contention is that his definition of “bad gear” isnt really bad. it’s what some people on the internet thinks is bad?

whatever. i’ve put too much thought into this already. i apologize. carry on

oh, i guess he’s western. whoops. youtube wideo channel

I honestly don’t think that plays a role in his selection. It’s a combination of what the store will lend him, what he wants to spend time with, and maybe what people are talking about (though I think he has enough of an audience now to talk about obscure things, as long as he can be entertaining about them).

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yeah that makes sense

I wonder if the negative comments in this thread will get clipped and posted in his next vid?


If you take the “worlds most hated audio tools” line seriously then you might believe that bad gear is about bad gear.


Oooh, a meta-video: Bad “Bad Gear” Takes!


Right! The “filling up” trope is always silly and petty. He skips over those and takes more realistic criticisms in his responses.

I’d say that sometimes he finds it harder to build on limitations, but he usually puts in well enough effort to make them sound as good as anyone could.

Seriously, fine that people don’t “get” or like his vibe, but people take the words more seriously than the delivery.

Anyone genuinely complaining this is really missing the point. PE sent him a Tracker as a way of doing product placement. (Although… that episode is worth complaining about IMO.)

I think this is kind of the point. When he does his jams, he usually (always?) uses gear he’s already covered. I’m fairly certain this is why the DT was featured in the first place… since it started showing up in about half of the videos following that one.

Maybe it isn’t the attack on the DN that has people upset, but the real message: you have no excuse not to make music. (I certainly feel attacked by that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )


it is… if it’s used by a bad operator

I have or have had the se02, sy22, tr505, jx8p, JU06a, Prophecy, Digitone, Digitakt, Micron. I could feel personally affronted about my gear choices…I think the channel is great

The Prophecy and Micron did suck big time.

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I wanted a Prophecy SO BAD. Got the MS2000 eventually, but the form factor seemed so very cool to me… for reasons.

That’s right, i loved the log. Have at me!


there’s now „better gear“

he’s trolling but maybe he’s trying to indirectly communicate with some communities to show off that he knows about circuit bending and such and it tickles the box of vanilla gear is bad, the modified is better as a response to real „bad gear“ that could burn your house down when plugged ambiently :framed_picture:

he’s from Austria I think :thought_balloon: