Expressive E Osmose

A third video out with Junkie XL as well

Interesting. I never got an email!

Edit: scratch that, in the junk mail!

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Me neither. I do not receive any of their update since I preordered ( first batch). And I checked my spam folder…:grin:


Same here, found it in the junk folder.

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I’ve got nothing in the inbox or the spam folder wtf.

EDIT: oops, I have to subscribe to their newsletter in my account, I guess?

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Slides seems to be the biggest drawback of this for me - the ability to be able to slide or down to the next note is a massive part of why I love the linnstrument and gas so hard for the continuum.

That said I’d have loved to jump on the preorder just so I could get that eaganmatrix…

They mentioned somewhere in a response to a random question (I’m never going to find it!) that you can crank up the sensitivity and replicate a slide like experience using the bit that sits behind/above the keys (the sort of exposed looking bit).

I’m sure some patch building expert will manage to work something out that would do a reasonable job of replicating things if that’s the case.

I preordered, so that’s why I got an email.


If you had preordered, you would have saved enough money to go towards a ContinuuMini. :sunglasses:.


yeah, I think its a shame that they didn’t do something similar to the Roli ribbons,
but in fairness I dont think it would have worked with the mechanical action very well.

what Ive found is each expressive instrument has its own feel… they actually are quite different instruments - the idea there is just a all-purpose ‘expressive instrument’ is in my mind a bit bogus.
just like guitars and piano are both stringed instruments, but play, sound and feel very different.

so my eigenharp, like the Osmose has discrete keys - but is lightening fast response, plucky, whilst my soundplane is continuous and has a slower more mellow feel - you cannot play them the same, and even with the same preset - they sound completely different.

I’m really looking forward to the Osmose, my hope is it will have the speed/precision of the eigenharp (or close), but in the familiar keyboard format… but Im sure it will be ‘its own thing’

really hoping they have it at Superbooth, otherwise I will have to take a trip to Portugal :wink:

we had a short discussion on this topic.


…or you could just buy my Continuumini instead! Listed on here…somewhere…

Not me. You got the wrong person.

I tend to agree with your take on different instruments, and at a different time I’d have jumped on the pre to try it out. Having the option of plugging in the linnstrument would have solved my personal slide desires. I think of all the options the haken would suit me best, but price.

@Jukka, ever the wise.:slight_smile:
You have talked me down and yet again spent my moolah.
I, too got in on the super early bird price and I definitely wouldn’t cough up for the full amount, so I’m gunna stick with it as I do have a good feeling about it.
My only fear, as is yours, is the fact that my player skills sounds like I’m the bastard son of Bungle the Bear and Les Dawson and won’t be able to do the product justice, BUT I’ve been genuinely looking forward to it and that is something to cling onto in these gloomy times.
If it all goes completely tits up for me workwise, I’ll just sell off something.
Thank you my man. :+1:

@Jukka @J0n35y

How weird is that?? Great news though and impeccable timing!!


Oh my! :grinning:


Seen in email update


And this…

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Does that about cover it? I seem to recall one more artist vid in this newest batch

I’m still in on this—it fills a useful niche in a convenient way, and looks to be much more than that, too.