Expressive E Osmose

yes, din in/out is independent of editor

(actually, everything is independent of editor, that I can think of … you don’t need editor except for editing !)

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And that isn’t to say that there is no editing to be done on the unit. All patches have a handful of well thought out macro controls that you can edit.
Editor is necessary if you want to get properly under the hood.
I haven’t tried yet. Have been too preoccupied with going through the presets, tweaking the macros and noodling away.

Are you saying you’ve actually plugged an external controller into the MIDI DIN in and verified that it works correctly without the Haken Editor running? I’m not asking what it’s supposed to do, I’m asking if you’ve personally done it.

Yes, I was routing via my mioXM from a daw.
I also connected my Erae touch via a trs midi adapter

Why are you suggesting it’s not working for you?

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I just tried, sent some notes from my Digitone to the Osmose channel (5) but nothing. Tried a few different channels and still no response. Haven’t looked into it any deeper but it does recognise MIDI DIN as far as clock goes but not sure if there’s some special mode or parameter to make it see notes.

I suppose people might experience it ‘not working’ if they are expecting non-MPE midi to control things that actually require MPE/MPE+ ?

eg if you are expecting the midi in to control a built in synth patch that only makes a sound once the key is pressed a bit, then you’ll probably have to send more than note on messages, you’ll also need to send channel aftertouch with a value higher than 0 on the same midi channel that the note is sent on. Stuff like that needs to be considered if you want to simulate MPE with a non-MPE controller. Or perhaps the synth can respond to non-MPE midi in a way I havent experienced yet.


I set the Osmose to be a Poly AT synth for the purposes of controlling my Blofeld but hadn’t considered what it would be for incoming MIDI, good thought. MPE isn’t something I use or think about so maybe I need to.

Yeah those midi ext control settings on the Osmose are mostly for the completely separate non-Haken layer/midi output ports. I doubt they influence whats going on with the EaganMatrix synth side of the Osmose at all.

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I can send max velocity and regular AT from the Digitone but doesn’t seem to do poly AT. Will have to connect to my Cirklon and record something to see if it’s played back - mind you that’s only to test it out for whoever was asking. Personally, I’m happy playing the keyboard and capturing the output as audio. Much easier that way. :slight_smile:

I get no response from my Continuum’s MIDI DIN in, and when I fire up the Haken Editor to check on things, I don’t see how to check on MIDI DIN. In Editor’s MIDI and Global Settings > EXT 1 Music Data, I can see all the stuff on my MIDI hub, so I can select controllers there, but that requires the Editor to be running. I must be missing some setting to enable MIDI DIN or something, so I wondered if the Osmose presents a similar situation.

To be clear, the same controller that works via the MIDI hub while the Editor is running never works via its MIDI DIN out directly to the Continuum’s MIDI DIN in.

It might be that if it even can be done, you’d have to craft some synth presets specifically to work with non-MPE in order to play them back via bog standard traditional midi messages, or at least learn whether there are shortcuts for achieving this in the EaganMatrix editor. At which point much of the advantage of this synth engine starts to get lost anyway, making it questionable as to what the point would be for most scenarios.

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I suppose It might be that the editor has its own midi conversion layer which translates bog standard midi into something the synth engine can work with, and this doesnt happen when connecting stuff directly without the editor in the middle doing its thing.

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And in yet another remove-the-lens-cap moment, I will now affirm that when you actually input MIDI into the MIDI in, and not the MIDI out, then it all works fine.

Please ignore my posts above.


Ah, so much for my overcomplicated theories!

Well, it is frustrating that I can’t use the Killamix Mini without the Editor running. That’s not a factor on the Osmose, where you have many more controls.

have you set din mode to dsp in? won’t work without that.

edit: ok, midi out to midi in, is also pretty important :laughing:

Where’s DIN mode in the Editor?

nope, Osmose…

M button -> global settings (cog) -> midi I/o … select 2/5 dsp in

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I guess that’s Editor > Control 3 > C 3 > Midi Routing