FaderFox EC4

Good idea, I have created a public group:


@jdaddyaz empty for now, but I will upoad my presets later. Maybe you have presets you’d like to share?


Why you got to put me on the spot like that?
Are you trying to expose how much of an actual leech I am?

Plus, and I’m sad to say this, my patches…I forgot what they’re for.

I know. It pains me to admit that.

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You sure can’t leech anything off me, because we appear to have no overlap :grinning:

I’ve been there. On the EC4 you can at least name them, but on the PC6 you’re screwed if you don’t take notes.

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I finally managed to get my files packed and uploaded to SynthGroups - Faderfox

I also posted instructions there for how to package setups individually, so that other people have a nice and consistent experience. With that guide, it takes about 5-10 minutes to extract and pack a setup from your EC4.

Currently available setups:

  • Toraiz AS-1
  • Tasty Chips GR-1
  • Modor NF-1 (m)

I haven’t quite worked out how Synthgroups works, DM me here on Elektronauts if you need anything.


Hi guys, maybe I’m missing something, but I’m wondering about sending CC values larger than 127.

The manual even mentions e.g.
CCAh two control change commands (MSB/LSB) 14 bit highres mode (values 0 to 16383)

I expected the upper value setting of the EC4 to change accordingly and allow for higher values, but it only caps out at 127.

Also I’m kind of puzzled by the Disp setting in edit mode.

  • 100 as in percentage seems legit
  • having an option to see bipolar values is also nice
  • ON/OFF is a great addition

The other options seem to be weirdly mapped to the actual range…OH right it only has 4 digits per displayed value…

So in the end the lower-upper range of 0-127 is mapped to the actual range of the CC type which is then mapped for display to the range defined by the disp setting. Am I making sense? Is that how it works?

 U/L: 0...................127
CCAh: 0.................16383
Disp: 0........500.......1000

The implementation is a bit odd, the display does not show the values that are sent for most display modes, only for 127 and ±63 that is correct. The min and max values are MSB only for 14 bit values, so you can limit to 128, or 256, but not in between.

Also for 14 bit values, the Disp parameter also controls what values are sent. Set it to 127 or ±63, and the controller will send MSB only, set it to 1000, and it will send the whole range of 14 bit.

I’m too tired at the moment to explain this in detail, but here’s a copy of a cheatsheet I hacked together from the manual and from what I learned from Faderfox support while creating my first setups. It contains some tables that give examples. It’s still very rough, expect typos and inconsistencies. Faderfox EC4 Cheatsheet r1.pdf (284.9 KB)