Hi there, I’m new to the forum, but not new to Elektron.
I just got an AR a few weeks ago but I’m also an original owner of a SidStation that I bought the same month it was released
While I got most of the features down in the AR, file management is the one thing that is still kicking my butt. I am aware of it’s shortcomings, but I am interested to learn the best workflow around this.
This is what I’m trying to accomplish.
I would love to hear how’s the best way to accomplish this:
(And if you’re really organized, it would be great if you answer it relating to the question number)
[li]If I’m inside a project ( say, a sample pack) and there is a kit or a Sound (analog+sample) that I really like, how to I add them to another project.
[li]When browsing sounds in the +Drive, is there a way to see which project the reside in?
[li]How can I quickly save a sound or Kit and have it ready for use in other projects (Maybe 1 and 3 are related…)
[li]While inside a project, is there a way to ‘quickly’ audition a sound from either the Sound pool or +Drive prior to loading it to a project?
[li]Can this be done with a Kit?[/li]
Thanks in advance!