FM synthesis tips and tricks

I’ve heard of a workshop that @Ess did on the Digitone which was live-streamed. I heard he demonstrated how to get harsh and gnarly tones out of the DN.
If anybody has a recording of this please share it!
He talks about the Cycles in this one, and the tones he generates in his set are otherworldly! This one blew me away


No, randomize only works on all the parameter (syn1, 2, amp, lfo etc.) pages. Trigs can have probability but no way to randomize the sequence. You
can randomize the trig page though :slight_smile:


I had an important (and belated) realisation after reading these posts - that there’s a fundamental correspondence between FM synthesis and Fast Fourier Transform which decomposes back into its constituent sine-waves.


Yes, the Model:Cycles sets in that video are great. It’s also an excellent device. The Tone Machine is particularly fun. And many of the kick and snare presets are very good. Unfortunately, many of the synth presets are at maximum volume so they really blast your ears when using headphones. But in a way that’s an encouragement to make one’s own sounds.

The most important thing to tweak when programming FM synths


Watching this thread. :nerd_face:

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