Focusrite 18i20 - 2nd or 3rd gen? Or still UMC1820?

Oh yeah not for performance, just because my ipad is now usb C and it would be nice and clean to just one wire it in, no more adapters. I think my PC tower has one usb C output on the back too. I just saw the other smaller units had a direct monitoring button now so I assumed it was universal. What a weird design choice for the big boxes. Hmm

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Oh yes, for your Ipad the USB C connection would be definitely nice.

Wow, did not know the smallest ones have a direct monitor button.
Yeah, the design choice is weird, agreed, however I do not miss it.

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Is there anything comparable with this in the price range, or even +/- $1,000? I’m mostly interested in using it to route from my mixer into Logic on mac, so I’m not overly concerned about the quality of the pres, just looking for an elegant solution to record 8 tracks simultaneously.


Since your price range is really broad there are IMHO tons of possibilities upwards. For a start you could check the portfolios of RME and MOTU or even an Arturia Audiofuse and also the Focusrite Clarett series could suit you.
If we are just talking about 8 tracks (without too many more in the future) you could also go for a small audio interface in regard of Ins and Outs as long as it has ADAT I/O and combine it with an ADAT interface like the ADA8200 or the Octopre. Tons of possibilities …
If you do not care that much about the quality of the preamps I am not sure if it makes sense spending so much more money though. I would go for something solid with solid drivers and maybe some flexibility. The 18i20 is not a bad choice for your intentions, I guess.

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Thanks! I’ll take a look.

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I have a question about sound quality. When I play my OB6 through the UMC 1820 it sounds tinny / thin. It sounds terrible compared to my Focusrite Clarett.

I have 2 UMCs and it sounds the same through both. I’m surprised because the consensus seems to be that the UMC is very good for the price.

Could I be doing something wrong for it to sound so bad?

i can’t even imagine that a modern usb audio interface has such a blatant influence on the sound quality as you describe it. so i’m sure something is going wrong. I had seen both the scarlett and the umc and in terms of price, the umc is unbeatable. the preamps are really powerful and the signal can be made decently loud.