Free Wavetables

Amazing thank you!

Do you think I could format these for the Korg xd?

This is brilliant. Made my day. Thanks

Thank you for the kind words for everyone :pray:
And uploaded new wavetables.


did you just repackage the adventure kid wave forms?

Bigglesworth blofeld editor has serious support for wavetables including conversions and editing.

And an other one ā€œfmā€ based generator, Serum FM Wavetable Studio,

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Bigglesworth blofeld editor has serious support for wavetables including conversions and editing.

Thank you!!@jazznbass
This Blofeld editor is very useful :star_struck: Wav files can be read.

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bigglesworth is one of the best and free, wavetable transfer to blofeld works very well too.

So did you or did you not just repackage the adventure kids wave forms? The responses you gave me were not addressing my question

The answer is no.
Iā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t understand the intent of your question.
The repackaged wavetables has been uploaded to WaveEdit Online. The sources used in creating the wavetable are listed.

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Update completed[Wavetable]

  • Added Wavetables with a length per frame from 128 to 2048 samples.
  • Files are integrated by type.
  • Removed some wavetables.
  • Added some wavetables.
  • The compression method has been changed from .zip to .7z. (Thanks to @cipherpunks )

Probably now supports most wavetable synthesizers that can read wave files.
Use to unzip the file


we do not deserve you @taro. i canā€™t believe the quantity and consistent quality of what youā€™ve contributed over the years, it never ceases to amaze me!


There are a couple of empty folders inside, namely:

  • AmaizingNoises DarkSynth/DarkSynth2
  • PPG Wave/PPG27 (with subfolders)

Also, ā€œmuā€ symbol in Ī¼FoldFeedback is troublesome in some OSs/programs, as are ļ¾Žļ½¼ symbols in filenames inside that folder. Maybe replace it with plain english ā€œuā€?..

Does the file Walsh Function/go ahead make my day[Harry Callahan]/SCW2048/go ahead make my day-.wav.asd really belongs there? :wink:

Thank you :grin: @cipherpunks
All fixed.

There are a couple of empty folders inside, namely:

AmaizingNoises DarkSynth/DarkSynth2
PPG Wave/PPG27 (with subfolders)

Added files to empty folder.

Also, ā€œmuā€ symbol in Ī¼ FoldFeedback is troublesome in some OSs/programs, as are ļ¾Žļ½¼ symbols in filenames inside that folder. Maybe replace it with plain english ā€œuā€?..

Ī¼ means micro, so Ī¼FoldFeedback has been renamed to mFoldFeedback.

Does the file Walsh Function/go ahead make my day[Harry Callahan]/SCW2048/go ahead make my day-.wav. asd really belongs there?

.asd file is a file generated when importing a file into AbletonLive. It has been deleted.

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Thank you so so much! Loving all these. :smiley:

This is an amazing resource Taro, thank you!

i just noticed that the wavetables for polyend medusa are all in one file that can be loaded into audacity as a raw file.

itā€™d take some programming/tinkering to work out the proper lengths, but theyre all there ready to be ripped.

some are sweepable (or they just store 16 of them in sequential orderā€¦ something like that)

in here , just search for the default wavetable file.
if someone works it all out , iā€™m guessing you could insert your own wavetables, but its far beyond meā€¦and i would think its a good selection already (unless you wanted drum / voice samples in there )

This is great, but iā€™m a little confused to how go about using these wavetables? Can I upload them on my RYTM samples or into the Ableton Wavetable synth?

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its raw data (though it might have a header).

so no, not in the format they are , you could load them into audacity and save them as a wav file , but itā€™d be annoying to work out start/loop points .

but someone with some scripting/python knowledge could work out the format probably.

I was able to convert Medusa wavetable to Wav file with Audacity.

  • Specify 32bit when importing.
  • Remove the 32 samples at the top of the waveform.
  • Dividing every 4000 samples produces 64 wavetables.
  • The length of the wavetable is 3960 samples (132 samples x 30).

It has extra data and needs to be deleted.

  • Delete the last 36 samples of 64 wavetables.

I still donā€™t know if this is correct.

  • Delete 1 sample at the tip of the 5th, 13th, 21st and 29th single cycle waveforms.

Imported the 7th wavetable into Tone2 Icarus2.


I also remember them being a small txt string in the meeblip anode / triode source ( itā€™s open source ) so they could probably be converted to audio too.