Funk Illuminati Tunes

I’m always down for origin stories, and this thread is un-derailable IMO, as I have tons more music to upload.

Edit: And when I run out, I will make more!


Cool… maybe as after you get caught up, you can go into detail about the nuances of your production? I little behind the music type stuff… especially with the tracks with the most plays…

It would be a cool read, having the song as context!


I would be happy to. Thanks for suggesting it.

For now though, until I get around to typing up something more substantial, here’s the main bits of gear that I use the most:
Model Cycles
Model Samples (now running into the KP3, then into the RC-505 MKII :rofl:)
Nord Drum 3P
Empress Zoia
Line 6 DL4
Hotone Krush (A cheap bitcrusher pedal that I overuse)
Moog Werkstatt
and coming soon… RC 505 MKII

My songs usually start on one of the models, and then the other one plays a supportive role. Then I run them both through various effects and into loopers. I’ll do some more detailed rundowns later though.


I can take it down if you want.

I wasn’t thinking of the ironic or derailing connotations when I posted it, my bad

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No! I think it’s funny.

As I mentioned above to @BLKrbbt, this thread is un-derailable, as I am sitting on a stockpile of songs I need to upload. And any attention is good attention, kinda.


I’m loving this thread Matt! I don’t think I’d heard at least half the covers and of course I’d never heard Mischief. Which rules! Keep 'em coming man!


Thank you so much brother! It never gets old when you receive love for your art. I’ve told you this before but not publicly, so here goes…

If you were my only fan, it would be more than enough. I’ve always felt that if my music resonates with one other person, then that is reason enough to put all of my energy into making it. Lucky enough, there’s a whole handful of people that like it, and I’m just getting started really. You are much more than a fan to me though. Dopple Gäng is gonna turn some heads.

Edit: for those of you who didn’t know, which is probably most of you, @Annihilation_Squares and I have been having unsanctioned phone conversations and plotting world takeover.

Edit 2: What I mean is, we’ve been discussing a collaborative project.

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I may not be the only but I’m still the biggest!

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I bought that Werkstatt. One of my first tunes was on a werkstatt!


In more ways than one, aren’t you like 6’2"?! :rofl:

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Don’t worry, I plan to. I’m sitting on so many songs, all currently trapped inside this tiny machine, waiting to be let out!


Okay, I have fixed all the links in this thread! It looks so pretty now! Extra special thanks to Doctor @BLKrbbt for the assist, and for making me look young and tech saavy! Now, should I upload more songs or go fix all my goofy formatting posts on the other threads? I think I’m gonna do the songs first and the editing later. K, Funk Illuminati radio will resume shortly. No more covers for now, but I do have some more that I need to record, including Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles, Where I End & You Begin & You And Whose Army by Radiohead, The Sea & The Rhythm by Iron & Wine, Maybe Not by Catpower, Clay Pigeons and If I Could Only Fly by Blaze Foley, Teardrop by Massive Attack, Billie Jean by Michael Jackson, and more, once I get around to recording them (and finishing some of them). For now though, I got a bunch more originals, and those are coming up next!


I’ve literally cried multiple times playing it. I love it so much.

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^A psychedelic original tune. Spacey and chill, but as weird as usual.

^A Tom Waits inspired Hip-Hop beat. I have written a song to this called Mike Fink about an ancestor of my wife who was a bully and a steamboat hauler who styled himself, “King of the Ol Mississippi River.” The vocal version will come along eventually, but here is the instrumental. One of my personal favorites honestly.


I have a lot to catch up from your thread. I will definitely listen to all you’ve done.


^A cavern-inspired hip-hop beat with bells (do I use bells too much??)

^ Another weird original tune. Kind of dark but pretty I think.


All the hearts. :heartpulse: :hearts: :black_heart: :purple_heart::heartbeat: :blue_heart: :heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :black_heart: :brown_heart: :gift_heart: :sparkling_heart: :cupid: :heart_eyes_cat: :heart_decoration: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :two_hearts: :revolving_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hearts:

Edit: some even twice!


you like dem bells more than ac dc

if you can, send me a couple minutes worth of the first 36 seconds of jekyl before the break down starts to happen, I have an idea for something melodic. I’ll just do a little mock up and see if you like it.

I don’t know how many bars in it is but if you let me get a loop of the basic first part I can probably do it.


Okay. Gimme a bit!


^A weird beat that my wife and I made together

^An abstract beat I made after watching a Yasiin Bey live performace in which he spread rose petals all over the stage during the show. One of my favorite artists and probably my favorite rapper of all time (it’s between him and Blackthought). I thought the title fit the beat, though it’s not the beat I want to send to Yasiin personally. I haven’t made that one yet but I’ll know it when I hear it.