General Thank You Positive Thread

Look at this fine citizen searching for relevant threads before starting a new one :sweat_smile:

Couldn’t agree more, great forum!


:smiley: Trying to keep it clean.


Oddly, I haven’t owned an Elektron device for some considerable time. There’s good folk here though on the whole, which is what keeps me coming back, personally.

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This has been one of the culture shocks of Elektronauts. In old forum culture, necro-ing threads is taboo. Here, it’s encouraged.


I finally have to say that Elektronauts is by far my favorite community around music making. For me it’s just the right balance between nerdiness, deep knowledge, humor, gear addiction, helpfulness and kindness.


Why thank the General. Its the guys on the frontline that take all the shit :laughing:

I had written up a post a few days ago about how much I appreciate everyone here for sharing their knowledge and creating such a welcoming environment for music producers from of all walks of life. It is such a warm and welcoming community for people who love making music, and an endless source of knowledge and inspiration. I’m thankful for it, and to all of you for making it what it is. Anyway, I hadn’t finished typing it up to post it yet and now I don’t need too. But yeah. Shout out to all yall muafukaz.


Big thank you from me as well. Being able to ask stupid questions here and get straight answers for lots of stuff that isn’t in manuals or other forums has really helped me becoming better at operating synths from different companies. I don’t know if I would have kept up with e.g. OT if there wasn’t such a great community that can help you with specific workflow questions arrising when you actually do stuff.

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I think you’re all just swell


I’d really wanna russkie up with some of you guys, cough


Did it need to be said?
I hadn’t drank or snoked, cough, in a while.

Joking aside, I’ll also add that I still greatly appreciate this space as a place to ask for help, hear cool sounds, and complain about our GAS. Thanks people.


This is a brilliant community and I’m really grateful for it.

I was one of the people who set up thefretboard guitar forum so I know how hard it is to build a positive community.

I don’t even own any Elektron boxes (and I was too dumb to use the one I used to have), but I still find this the best place to keep up to date with what’s going on in the world of electronic music gear.


Hey… not sure if I should say this … but wanted to say that since getting a Digitakt and joining the forum, I’ve really appreciated how decent this forum is. Obviously people will not always agree—but I feel like there’s an intention here to be respectful of each other that tbh I haven’t always seen online. Even in threads that can be controversial, like the Cryptocurrency thread, I see people trying to be respectful and keep lines of communication open. It means a lot.

There is much negative in the world … but there are positive things too. It’s good to see a community trying to stay positive.




You know who you are, doing the thankless job, quietly greasing the wheel. I SEE Y’ALL, YOU THE REAL MVPs.

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Is Durant crying because he won MVP or because he choose to leave GSW for Kyrie?

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