Get ready…

I should have been more precise. To me, P-locking is not really revolutionary, from a strictly sequencing point of view. After all, it’s only sequencing values.
It really makes sense in the Elektron instruments, especially the polyphonic ones, because p-locking talks to the sound generation and thus is able to sample & hold values to specific voices.
External synths do not take advantage of p-locking in this regard. CCs will change values for all voices, thus changing the timbre of any sounding voice, even for instance in the release stage of envelopes.
That’s why, I’m not interested in an Elektron sequencer for hardware synths.
Well, unless everybody talks and understands MPE of course.

The absence of teaser IS the teaser…


Well regardless of the fact that it affects all voices, p-locking is still extremely useful for hardware synths. I use p-locking constantly from my DT when controlling external synths, it’s a crucial feature!

Saying it’s not useful for this reason is kind of like saying the filter knob on a polysynth doesn’t make sense because it controls the filter for every voice at the same time instead of per voice.

Elektron already makes a sick sequencer for external synths, it’s just named the Digitakt. The killer feature they could add is strummed chord behavior or an option to offset the voice triggering in a trig which sends multiple note-on messages. Could be included as a retrigger-style menu like the internal voices have, but just on MIDI tracks.


Probably the Shrodinger kind.

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I really don’t want to sound picky or whatever, but I don’t really see what, in essence, is different from any sequencer. I’m honestly trying to understand. (I used Abelton for 99% of my sequencing for years, but I also owned a Cirklon a few years ago, and, of course, maybe all Elektron boxes but always went back to Ableton).


Bugger , we will never know!

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It’s the workflow, ease of programming the automation, and specifically the trig conditions and how tracks and trigs can affect each other. Of course most things that exist in the Elektron sequencer exist in one way or another in some other product or software.

An Elektron machine is more than simply the sum of it’s parts, if you know what I mean by that. Not saying it’s the perfect sequencer, there are things that I wish it had and definitely limitations that don’t exist in other sequencers. Using Ableton to program drums and draw in automation is reaaaaallllllly boring (for me), while programming the Digitakt feels hugely dynamic when you’re in the flow and clacking away like a madman! I have mine on a stand and grip it with both hands like a fatass Game Boy. Feels like I’m playing a videogame!


BELGIUM sounds like BALGHAM بلغم which is Arabic for phlegm (chest mucous).


Exactly why I think that the strength of P-locks resides in the fact that they are integrated to the sound engines.
Thanks for your reply,
I’ll leave the topic to the original subject, which is…which is what, by the way ??:grin:

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Hence why I mentionned nd2 which has 6 distinct voices using their own midi channel. Not strictly mpe but something closer…But tbh,since you can only plock one fixed set of values per step, even on the polyphonic boxes it’s not so convenient except if you program Exactly same patches on parallel tracks. ( if you want 2 notes/voices having different env on the same step for exemple…)

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Yeah I get it !
It’s off topic but I was wondering if some drum machines or even poly synths would sample & hold CC values before triggering a hit ? That would/could make sense.
Well, in the end, I’m just a Max/MSP type of person.

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Get a nd2, sequence it on 6 tracks of the ot and get mad.
Add all midi cc to each tracks, start having sound locks ( wave parameter especially) get madder.
Add lfos. Start loosing track of reality.
Add a seventh tracks influencing global channel on the nd 2 and plocks/automate track focus . ( add the ability to select which specific track will be affected by this 7th track ).
If you aren’t insane enough use more than 16 steps ! :rofl: and throw a bit of arranger with pattern start/end step.
Of course spice, things a bit with some recording buffers and a few flex tracks. Tap a few rythm on the pads along all that. Finish in an asylum.


where can i find the manual for this new machine?!

on the darkweb


It’s not so straight forward. Two really important cc’s on the ND2 needs msb and lsb (can’t remember which ones) and elektrons are imo really bad at handling msb and lab midi. I have never gotten it to function like I want to.

If I were to buy a drum machine for octatrack to sequence it would be a 01/iv which seems very well suited to be sequences by elektrons…

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Only tone pitch and repeat. One is controlled by note value on the ot sequencer and the other can be emulated by trig rep or delay on a thru track or even retrig.The rest is only pchange which needs cc32 for bank then cc o = o for msb and then pchange ( which is not explained correctly in the manual by the way ) . So, sorry but I maintain that it is so straightforward ! :sunglasses:

Page 32 if you want to check. :ok_hand:

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No new teaser video today?

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Elektron Teaser 3
New teaser


Its sweden. We have unions. No one works on sundays