Getting High

So I started jamming more with people, and when I play music with other, I do get high… like natural high. To the point I have to calm down, sit down, have a smoke (I don’t smoke anymore, but it does help).

Today I had a hard time driving back home as I was still dazed from the music. I am in no way a pro/classically trainned musician, but I get completely submerged in the music we are playing.

Most of the jam is composed of 3 of us on different synth, I’m there with my medusa, OT and typhon, and we go all around making from complete noise to melodies and crazy stuff.

What is that buzz? I really enjoy it! Do other people get high from music? It’s a good high, do you get more and more of it, or it dies down as you keep on playing?


Natural endorphins , dopamine etc. Very normal. Your brain will make them if stimulated the right way. Too much of it decreases sensativity.

Thats why you get less blown away by stuff as you get older. You’ve been there seen it done it all before.


heheh I’m glad I’m getting these in my early 40’s :smiley: I’m sure it’s good for my brain


I’ve been naturally high through making music with people for 20 years. I don’t feel like it’s something that gonna stop.

Last time, the 20 minutes of driving to return home were rather dangerous, I had trouble focusing. We were a bit in a rush because of the lockdown, and I hadn’t taken the time to cool down after 3 hours of jamming with my friends.


The dopamine rush after recording something amazing in the studio is the best. Can never get enough of it. It feels weird when I need to exit that studio and dopamine bubble though. The world just goes on like usual while I have the best time ever.


In my early 20’s I’d get this high feeling after long practice/jam sessions. Didn’t bother me too much till I started going sort of blind. Turns out it was hypoglycaemia.

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…music…the most universal language in the universe…

and successful, meaningful comunication/conversation simply makes happy happy people…

it always ends in good vibrations, if u can feel, tripple yeah, WE actually UNDERSTAND each other…

while unsuccessful comunication remains the first and biggest problem of them ALL…

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The natural high of improvised jams that fall into place perfectly with others is an incredible feeling.


It’s one of the best feelings in the world. I know that feeling after a great jam with my buddy. He’s primarily a guitar player and I’m primarily a bass player, and he’s been using a Beat Buddy pedal as the “drummer” for a long time so we have a “three piece” just the two of us, and we’ve had some amazing jams over the years that left me on cloud nine. But in the past few years especially we’ve really turned onto synthesizers and more electronic music, and our jams have just gone full blown atmospheric. It ebbs and flows throughout our jams as they reach peaks and troughs, kind of in the same form as our favorite bands when they play live.

I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but this is why I love bands like Phish. A solid 75% of them playing live is pure improvised jamming and when they’re ON and they’re clicking with each other, listening to it is amazing. But when I’m jamming with my friend and everything’s clicking, it’s almost like going to another dimension. Kinda cheesy and cliche sounding, but I don’t know how else to explain it.


I hear you, for me it feels like when I go in deep meditation for a long period of time. It really feels like going somewhere else!


i remember reading about Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s “flow state” theory in psychology classes.

i have the book, too, but never did more than skim it.

meditation and music performance can both lead to flow states… among many other ativies!

bonus points if you can pronounce his last name.

Was literally about to come and say the same thing. Phish gives me the same feelings and I also get it when just listening to live shows I have been to and playing music with other every once and awhile

Their is just something about making music with other people that transcends normal communication and if you are skilled enough you can have others tap into that feeling while playing also

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This thread reminded me of something else that happens rarely, but trippy AF when it does:
Jamming with a friend (mostly when doing ambient stuff) I start fading out a sound coming from my gear… then reaching zero and realizing that it wasn’t me - somewhere along the way our layers became undistinguishable enough as to “change lanes”, sort of speak. Love that mind-melting confusion.

Going back to the OP - yeah, I’ve had that quite a few times - I remember playing a really intense show on my own (long time ago, while doing noise/ambient stuff) where I literally had to sit on the floor afterwards, my body was completely affected by the intensity of the experience.

I kinda miss playing with friends (I used to play with a guy that moved to Berlin quite a few years ago so we don’t see each other very often :broken_heart: ) and recently I jammed with a friend recently and felt like I really need that back in my life, after many years of playing on my own… that kind of action-reaction dynamic, getting out of my confort zone, etc.

I haven’t experienced many better feelings than when Djing in a warehouse at 3 in the morning to a packed crowd all whooping and hollering. Endorphins are awesome.

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Yeah I love it so much when the synth melt in one puddle and you have no idea who’s playing what anymore! Tweak volume knob to hear - was that me?

Yeah jamming with people is such an awesome interaction with other people. It’s pretty high up there in the best thing we can do as human being!

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