Getting out of Demo Mode

I just got my OT MK2 today and tried Quick guide on demo mode.

How do I get out of the demo mode though? I restarted but it still says demo mode.

I saw some old posts here- is this an error?
It’s the first time I am using OT, so complete newbie. I took out the flash card but no changes. (The card was in when I was trying the demo mode which I think I wasn’t supposed to)


Demo Mode?
I guess that’s the Preset Project.
Just make a new project. That’s it.
In Octatrack, you always work in a Project. When it comes new, I guess there is only this Demo Project by default. You have to make a new one.

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Yeah, when I was done with Demo Mode, I turned it off. Then I turned on again and the word ‘Demo Mode’ still appears after start up screen.
(the manual said turning on the machine with holding down YES will turn on the demo mode.)

I was thinking to just go ahead to mount a set, loading project which was next part in the manual.

Someone mentioned some other forum that the same thing happened and it was a faulty unit, so I am a bit concerned…

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Well, did you try a new set and project?

Power On holding [Yes] to enter Demo Mode

Power On holding [No] to exit Demo Mode


I didn’t do anything at all yet.

Thanks, tried holding down NO on startup, still I get Demo Mode.

Are you in Demo mode?

Do you have a CF card inserted?

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Right now it’s in Demo Mode and I inserted the card. Tried starting a project but says “not available in demo mode”

Most likely the Pins in the card slot have become damaged and thats means a product replacement/repair.


I just got a new unit today, was really hoping it didn’t have any problems I read online.
If I don’t find any clear answers online, probably going to return for an exchange. Thanks anyways.

So it did turn out to be a faulty unit. YES button seemed to be stuck internally and also some other unclear problems which made the OT keep rebooting when the technician put another flash card in.

So yeah Demo Mode did help catching some problems but I wouldn’t try it as a beginner…
Thanks for feedbacks!


Just leaving this for the next person who finds this thread: I had the same issue with my brand new Octatrack today (not able to leave demo mode). Turns out I didn’t have the CF card inserted all the way in. I had to give it a firm nudge to actually slot into the pins after which it started up out of demo mode no problem.