Giving up (or extended break)

Doesn’t bother you having it all sitting there?

One of the things I need to start focusing on!

I made music from 1999 to 2009 and I stopped when I was going through a divorce and fatherhood. I had gotten a little popular with about 7000 followers. I sold all of my equipment. I never realized that my music was a big part of who I was as a person. Depression set in and then about 2011 I purchased a bass guitar and all the memories came back. Then a sampler showed up and all the past experience shook me . You can leave your instruments but the foundation of when u started learning will make u see 1-16 everywhere . I would pump gass on 5 and 13 and immediately think snare drum. I would listen to music and break down the sequence in my head as to how I would play or program it. It is part of your being don’t just throw it away. If anything minimize and you’ll learn the special voice ur instruments have for u. My kid is now 10 he was an integral part of recording samples into my computer which are now in my Octatrack :smiley:


Something along those lines… I haven’t made any music in over five years now… not fun.

@josker, @Bwax: isn’t that what mobile music apps are made for anyway? :laughing:

…but I’m derailing the thread I’m afraid…

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Well, I was there too … a demanding time at the university, very limited budget, and a growing family … after this … a demanding job in the industry … and a family.

I had never only once considered to give up music, because this is a part of me, beeing a person. It’s a kind of breath my soul needs. I had some humble instruments, gifts from my parents, not much time, sometimes too tired after the job, but there was always an opportunity to take a time-out for my music … :wink:

If you have little time, plan it carefully and concentrate. It is so much rewarding :slight_smile:


Amen brother. :raised_hands:


I had a really nice Orange amp “sitting there,” for years.
It eventually started bugging me so I sold it for an Octatrack.
Sitting there for a few months doesn’t.

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Some great responses here that cover it all really.

I think I’ve realised i don’t owe anyone anything creatively except my own curiosity. Creativity always arrives and recedes for me, in different formats. For instance, the impulse with synths and gear has largely seen me ‘give up’ playing guitar, even though at one point I probably would have called myself a guitarist first and foremost. Thats not to say guitar it wont come back, but its receded way into the distance for now.

Even if synths recede, I think its important to have something. That said I hear you - I boxed my stuff up while I worked in my Masters, and I’d definately recommend it. I’m only just getting back to productions now, and it is a little jarring but I’m sure it will smooth out.

I have to agree that while I fumble around with a bunch of gear it is hard not to feel like a hobbyist also, rather than someone pro. And thats ok. Hobbies are the wellspring of dreams. For me its curiosity at the centre of anything creative. And its easy to quench that thirst, once you’ve done enough exploring. But its important to indulge that curiosity regularly i think.

Something tying into what someone else said, like, tomorrow if someone stole all my gear from my house, it would suck, but I’d still be me. Instruments come and go but no one can steal you. So you can always pick it up again, which means, use another instrument. Instruments are for expression. You’re the real thing that matters…


I give up my need for success. In the past we had some success with organising parties, DJing and all that stuff. When I started to have a full time job, I sold all my vinyls because I had to move twice a year to very small apartments and I bought ableton to make music.

No hurry, no goals, no need to make music, only when I really wanted to.

Now I start to understand this music making, I have one clear workflow. I can build small parts every day, all together I can create pretty big live sets. I start to enjoy making these blocks, playing with it is always nice and easy to do (elektron feels like DJ-ing to me, and I have done that soooooo much, it’s just like riding a bicicle… after not djing for 10 years, I stand behind the wheels of steel and I find out I didnt’t forget).

So with only a little amount of time a day, like 30 minutes, or sometimes a week no music at all… i can build up all my actions and can play if I want to. No need to be successful, no need for gigs (i was asked to do a gig but said no since I have no time to prepare at the moment), I like it a lot to make music!


I think you should DEFINITELY sell all your stuff

…for next to nothing…

…to me ;D


Yeah, I stopped for a long time and kinda regret it, at the very least trim down your gear to one or 2 pieces and pack the rest away. At most pack most of it and sell off a little. But you will still have a computer I assume so keep a controller and your daw at a very minimum!

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Let me get this straight: you’ve got a demanding professional life ahead of you, you’ll be a father soon and you think it’s a good idea to stop doing something you love doing? Let me break it to you - your life will suck badly every now and again and having something that reenergizes you will be one of your most valuable assets and will be extremely valuable for both your family and your professional life. Reconsider your workflow and/or lose some stuff, but by all means don’t quit making music!


I imagined that being said by Han Solo, and it checks out.


Open’s Recommendations:

Take a day and go to the most powerfully beautiful place in nature you know about, or better yet, a profound nature place recommended by a friend that you’ve never been to. If your deep in the city without transportation, just get as close as you can ( a large beautiful park?). Try to get your mind out of its usual zone before or when you get there. Perhaps imbibe some magical plant medicine that calls your name, or if that’s not your thing, try not eating the day before and that day, a water fast, something to change your angle of perception. Take a long carefree stroll and stop here and there just to take it all in.
Contemplate things such as:
Why am I here?
What’s the meaning of Life?
What’s really important to me?
What am I really important to?

You mention lots of work and focus in relationship to “Suceeding” and music in relationship to “Distraction”. These can easily but not necessarily be reversed. It seems to me the trick in this life is “Balance”, not one way or the other…

If after this you keep your stuff, I’ll call you Open Rex,
If you still want to abandon, I’ll suggest:

“Take two Elektrons and pm me in the morning”


So it’s been a bit over a year now - didn’t sell or completely give up but didn’t get much music done either.

This morning I packed away everything except the MPC that I’ve left sitting on a shelf for just in case. Not getting rid of anything, just want it all out of the way for the time being. No idea what happens next, but I’m ok with that.

Luckily it’s my sister’s and not mine - and they’re both moving out pretty soon.

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First thing, life is work. There are also times when it’s just not feasible to make music. When I was finishing my PhD and started working, I didn’t write or record anything for almost a year. It was necessary at the time. My own priorities shifted, and there are times when I have no time for music, or I have maybe a half hour at night before bed once a week.

Music-making not an all-or-nothing proposition, and it’s OK to step away from it for a while. It doesn’t stay exciting if it’s all you do anyway.