Good USB hubs? (Now that OB has been out for a minute)

So… does this mean it’s worth buying Overhub, if we’re going to be streaming 8-16 tracks of audio and MIDI on top?

Is multi-TT relevant for those Elektron mkII devices that have USB2 ports?

It’s becoming less unclear to me, but it’s still unclear :smiley:

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As I mention in the boring details… Multi-TT is entirely irrelevant for USB 2.0 devices.


The thing is though, there are articles like this, serving to confuse USB noobs like me:

Does it matter if you have USB 1 devices along with your USB 2 devices?

I feel like I understand almost the whole picture, but there is some subtlety that I’m missing :slight_smile:

I’m a network engineer but that doesn’t mean much when it comes to low level serial stuff!

Did you read the extra section in my post where is discuss what multi-tt is useful for? I go into some detail on when it is and isn’t really necessary.

The amount of data you’re pushing over USB 2.0, so long as you aren’t saturating the bus, has nothing to do with multi-TT. The TT just translates USB 1 to USB 2 so the hub can host both types of devices. The only bottleneck is in that translation. So if you have no USB 1 devices it’s never used. If you do, then whether or not the TT is saturated has to do with how much bandwidth and how many individual USB 1 devices you have on that hub. If you’ve got several or if you have more than one and at least one of them is sending a lot of data (like Overbridge) then multi-TT will benefit you. If you only have one or you aren’t using them for more than standard data rate MIDI then it’s not likely to benefit you much - although depending on specific cases where you have a lot of MIDI data to a lot of USB 1 devices on the same hub you may find it helpful. There is some more detail in my previous post if you click the arrow next to the line that says “boring details”.


So would it be accurate to summarise that a multi-TT hub is then beneficial, if you have USB 1 and USB 2 devices? (Assuming your USB 1 device is sending lots of data.)

Thanks for your patience! I appreciate having someone knowledgeable around to ask.

If you have more than one USB 1 device, it could be. Not necessarily. But could be. If you only have one, it’s doing zip for you over a single-TT, regardless of how busy it is. Again, whether or not the USB 2.0 devices are present make effectively no difference to whether you will benefit from multi-TT. The only thing that matters is how much USB 1 bandwidth you need and how many devices is it spread across (for latency and buffering considerations). More than 1 USB 1 device AND a need for the full USB 1 bandwidth in total, multi-TT. Less than that, it’s not likely to be of much use.


Ok. So for the target audience, who’s interested in streaming lots of audio channels via OB, and who may have mk1 and mk2 devices, it would therefore be pragmatic to recommend a multi-TT USB hub, right?

Otherwise you have to go into complex discussions about how many 1 vs how many 2 and bandwidth saturation and so on :frowning:

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It’s only complex. There is no simple answer. Try a single tt hub, since you already have one. If it doesn’t work for you get a cheap multi tt hub. If that solves your problem then you know.

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Well, I’d say, at the risk of sounding petty, that the simple answer is to buy a multi TT hub :slight_smile:

This is the one I use. No problems here.

Manhattan 7-Port USB 2.0 Ultra Hub, Plug and Play C Windows and Mac compatible (161039)

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Thank you for the tip!

Out of interest, which devices are you streaming audio from simultaneously?

RYTM and Analog Four mkI. Also a Digitone

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a Multi-TT hub! Thanks for posting the link.

Amazon US Version here.


FWIW, this one also looks to be MULTI TT. It includes a 3A power supply.

I have a couple units of another (silver+black) version of it, that is sold by Monoprice, under the “Aquagate Badge” with a slightly weaker, but still plenty powerful 2A power supply.

System profiler confirms the Multi-TT designation.

And the Amazon version lists the same “Terminus” chipset. (pdf white paper here)

I have not used this hub with a MK1 Analog Elektron (or other OB 1.0 device), and I no longer have such Elektrons, so I cannot confirm total compatibility. But I would suspect it would do the job.

Happy Hunting!


Question: i’m running out of USB ports on my HP laptop. I’ve just got 3. What do i have to take in account when choosing the right usb hub? Powered or not powered, 2.0 or 3.0, etc
I want to make sure that OB runs stable for all my elektron devices.

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