
My experience thus far is that the UI is much less janky than it looks. The touchscreen experience is extremely responsive and pretty logically laid out. Using the knobs works fine. The Urano is fairly complicated (being fully modular) but my understanding is that the LD3 / SpazeDrum are even easier to get around. Maybe someone with a longer-term experience can say more.

The UI reflects that the instruments are coded in assembly :P. I honestly find it charming in a way, very straight to the point.

I think heā€™s actually pretty successful, his site mentions that his lead times are doubled right now due to many orders. I donā€™t think heā€™s trying to be anything other than a one-man shop.

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I bought the LD3 when it came out. I have been really impressed (and im still) by the quality of the hardware and the software ! The screen, the encoder, CV I/O, etc works perfectly. The OS has always been ā€œcleanā€, I mean I have never had any problem with bugs.

Flemmings has provided an incredible number of OS updates, not because it was buggy, but simply to add new features. And each time he has updated the user manual as well. It just incredible to see that a one man compagny is able to do a better job than most of big compagnies !

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Yeah I suppose of he canā€™t keep up with orders it is a bit of a mute point, he obviously makes stuff people love but I also feel like people have Stockholm syndrome being held captive by those alpha UI graphics and oddly placed screens on his devices :sweat_smile:

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I have the ld3 mk2 and think it is a thing of beauty
Not as beautiful as the Monomachine, but a beat non the less. Love my a4 mk1 but looks wise canā€™t say it moves me. But what the a4 does I love

Gotharman gear is inimitable. Personally, I dig this brilliant manā€™s vision. If you check out the manual for the SpazeDrum, youā€™ll see that Trent Reznor is a fan as well.


Had 2 Gotharman machines, loved it and hated it at the same time :slight_smile:
The Anamonox sounds so great , the Gotharman VCF2 is one of my favorite analog filter ever !
But those DSP OCSs are just horrible imo, its not possible to get nice fm and there is no way to add subtle modulation without very ugly artefacts, when you detune 2 OCSs (on the Anamonox anyway) they dont track pitch well. The FX are weird lots of character. The GUI on the Anamonox is ok i guess. I really liked the old school GUI :slight_smile: Sold it but kinda regret it sometime, with all its quirks it was on of the best synth i ever had.

The LD3 i had was loaded with the VCF10 filters. Absolutely hated those filters and didnt like the LD3 that much (the workflow , the sound and the price)

I might get another Anamonox one day.


I remember seeing a thread that said why hasnā€™t anyone built the perfect sampler and I have to say that this gotherman looks like it fits the bill pretty damn close. And itā€™s relatively cheap for what you get.

Oh man, itā€™s so dang clean :slight_smile: it makes my heart hurt

Incase anyone wants a Urano, 3 more popped up for order

the LD3 blows my mind every time I use it: