Hanging notes?

That’s not the only issue - there is also an intermittent problem of hanging notes when the digitone is sequenced from ableton via usb (I don’t know if this happens with other sequencers or via actual midi)

Hmm, I’m assuming Ableton respects the standard implementation of CC #123 all notes off, so essentially it’s the same problem, as far as I can tell :woman_shrugging:

Not as far as i understand it, I’m talking about individual note offs. All notes off is only important when using midi mutes surely?

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BTW I should mention it’s a long time since i tried using the digitone in this way and it seemed to work ok if I didn’t use overbridge (sticking with simple midi over usb)

I have had it happen when I change sounds while a sequence is playing. I’d never do that while recording tho. Just previewing diff sounds during play. Using Logic. I don’t think it’s an Ableton thing.

So… not ideal, but…

I have been working arround this…zero hangs and OB working…I have OB opened on one midi port in FL (port 60) and then I have also enabled the DN as a midi device (send only not recieve) on a seperate port (port 61)…then i have set up 4 midi tracks in FL sending to port 61…I have to add a slight delay (75%) to time align…

This way i can control all parameters and save etc. with the OB plugin, and send midi notes with zero hangs as they are not through the OB plugin…so no hangs with 100% function.

Once it’s fixed all I will have to do is change the 4 midi chanel ports to port 61 and set the midi delay back to zero and all projects will be intact and compatible with the OB plugin…

Another benefit I found is that the DN will record the MIDI from the DAW this way…! So I proceeded to set my A4MKII, ARMKII, DT & DN up this way so I can easily draw midi in the piano roll and copy paste it to any device or the midi out of the DT and DN with a simple control c then control v, and hit record on the Elektron box if I like it…then go to town with the sequence in the Elektron sequencer…

Its a work arround…but it’s no deal breaker by any means working this way…

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I’m encountering this problem as well, some midi notes recorded via ableton are set to “lenght 128 steps” while they were obv not pressed that long (doesn’t matter if via ext keyboard -> usb -> ableton -> dn or ableton computer keyboard -> dn…

This together with the bug that clears recorded notes once you start live p locking, is quite a heavy amount of bugs to encounter within your first week of using the device. Might have to consider sending it back if there are this many unstabilities

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Definitely open up a support ticket or two on Elektron.se to make sure these things get to an engineer who can actually do something about them. And maybe avoid OB for now, just because it’s not a finished product yet. We all want to see DN become completely stable as it is just so damn awesome when it behaves.

you’re absolutely right. Just requested my support ticket tonight, so still have hopes :slight_smile: It’s definitely an awesome machine when it does work. Not using overbridge at all by the way! Just a Motu MIDI Express 128 to the dn’s MIDI in, don’t think anything weird should occur there.

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Ah nice one. I assumed OB because Ableton was involved. It is odd behaviour for sure. I get hanging notes all the time with a guitar midi pickup but I thought it was because of using OB. Sounds like all external midi is mishandled in some strange way :pensive:

hi, dont know if it was suggested but when sequencing digitone via live and the digitone vst, to avoid hanging notes,do not use the vst track to sequence, instead create an external instrument track with the corresponding digitone midi channel and set the gain of the external instrument track to zero, i have no hanging note using it that way.


hey have you managed to fix this??

Overbridge seems to be the problem. This is very frustrating indeed. I love using stand alone, but the goal was to use it in my full rig here ableton is the main sequencer. Its absolutely useless right now. Hanging notes, weird buffer types of distortion\delay, other erratic behaviours… My settings are correct and tried all the troubleshooting I can think of. Please tell me there is a solution here cause I’m loosing hope…

Not encountering these issues with ob. The hanging midi is not ob related it can happen via din midi as well.

What specs does your machine have? I haven’t had audio issues since the 2nd or 3rd beta

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Not sure why this hasn’t gotten moved yet…

Pretty sure this issue is identical on Digitone. Still basically no response from Elektron despite being a major flaw… :man_shrugging:

My DN hang notes all the time with OB, its about time that elektron fix this!

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I had a similar issue, hanging notes when played from the Keystep, mostly happens when over loading the available oscillators but not always.

I have the following setup:

Keystep -> (out) |
| -> Midi Merge Cable - > Digitone
Digitakt -> (out) |

The midi merge cable is a pretty standard two in one out single cable.

Digitakt is master sending clock to the Digitone only (nothing going into the keystep).

I resolved the issue by setting:

Midi Config -> Port Config -> Output Port Func = DIN24

I did lose the ability to press play/stop on the digitakt and control the digitone i.e. the press play digitakt plays, digitones does not :frowning:

I would be interested to know know if this is just me not understanding the complete workings and Therefore it’s not a related issue, or if this resolved the issue for others setups and if so how come ?

Happy Music Making Elektronauts!


Hi, I have encountered the same problem when sequencing Digitone from the Force. (as it can be heard here)

Did you get any update from Elektron about this since your message ?

Yves Ma

Unfortunately, no update.
Still waiting for this issue to be fixed, but I’m really losing hope…

Hasn’t Ess made his email public? Perhaps talking to someone who knows everything about the DN might help. (I get hanging notes too, whether using OB or not)