Hard/Softcore - single cycle waveform tools for Digitakt et al

Ahh, I see. That could be good fun.

Hello !
Do someone know what are the appropriated parameters for the Machinedrum UW ?

It’s the only machine which is not is the settings :’(

What is the single slice lenght and parameters for machinedrum ?

Thank you in advance.

MDUW doesn’t handle single cycles very well or at all since it cannot loop samples in a traditional way. In any case, you can select any samplerate up to 48kHz in soft/hardcore and it should at least import fine.


fun! slick design stoked

I was having issues with softcore the first few times I tired to use. working without issue now.

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Cool, I just waited about a month or so and reinstalled, it crashes on a rare occasion, but it’s fun loading into my takt and blackbox and renoise. :smiley:

I was thinking of making a program like this but just as a CLI. Looks like I don’t have to go figure all of this out :joy:

Thanks for sharing @Ess!

I might still make something to learn anyways

Prolly in Go and cross compile for all common platforms :smile:

Big praise for these two apps. Made a bunch of random waveforms and uploaded to DT and switched on cycle play mode and lost 6 hours just messing about.


how does one use the keyboard to make sounds when that doesnt even work? i also plugged in a midi keyboard and that doesnt seem to work either. any advice on how to get the applications to make noise or work with the computer keyboard? is there an AU or VST version?

i fixed it i had to push the volume button on the app im unobservant sometimes

Does anyone have a pack of waveforms they’ve made that they might want to share?

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what export format? I’ve been mostly exporting for MonoMachine

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For Digitakt. Hope I don’t sound greedy, I should probably just pop open the program and make some for myself. Just thought it would be cool if someone had made a pack of ones they really like.

Ah yeah haven’t made any in the digitakt / rytm format yet.

Just booted both apps up myself and made a few from both, great software and pretty awesome sounds. I’ll crank some of these out when I’m home. Perhaps the pack will be coming from me instead. It would be rad if it was a single app that had both hardcore and softcore selectable with a button to switch between, not a big criticism in any way though, works great as is.


Hi ! I will have a question about the tuning of those waveform ? Are they tuned to a note, as C for exemple ? :smile_cat:
Or maybe each waveform has a “random” tuning ?

If you select any of the machine presets (e.g Digitakt) it will automatically set it to the correct sample rate and number of samples closest to a C. The tuning depends on the sample length in relation to sample rate.

To calculate the frequency of one period (one loop of the waveform) in a certain samplerate you divide the frequency (for example C4, 261.63Hz) with the samplerate; 48000/261.63 = 183.465 […]
Since samples are always integers we need to round that off, so C4 in 48000Hz will be 183 samples.

But the software does this for you.


I understand :partying_face: Thank you

These tools were really fun. Haven’t used them on the Digitakt yet, though.

Ended up making a series of similar waves, then I strung them together at random on a Wav editor. Mangled them a bit on TAL Sampler, then threw it all into the V-Synth. The sounds make the Variphrase engine work extra hard, but it gives me stuff that always sound glitchy and interesting. Recommended method for extra oscillators esp when you’ve got a main one to hold down your sound on a patch.

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hey there.

I’m trying to use hard/softcore on windows 10, but whenever I run it I have no sound output. When opening the Max Runtime console, I get the following message:

“Error 126 loading external clang”

Am I doing something wrong? I’m totally new to windows (had to install it for overbridge) and max runtime.

ok, replying to myself: installing Max 8 helps :smiley:

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