Having problems with LFos resetting to default

Hi, ive had this problem for ages but never thought to share

Whilst working with muktiple songs in one project

Sometimes when i have set up an LFO to a track, say for example start point or volume
AND saved the part afterwards

After changing bank/pattern and hence part to another song
When i come back to said pattern with the LFO, its reset itself to the default value of pitch, and default speed and multiplier

Im obliged to fiddle about with every value untill the desired LFO comes back,
i then re save the part

It usually sorts itself out after saving the part twice, but sometimes it happens again

Its a pain cos ive got my liveset in one project, 2 songs per bank,

At least now when i hear something horrendously wrong, i know what to do

Has anyone else experienced this?

3 things come to mind:

Have you unchecked ‘LFO auto change’:

“LFO AUTO CHANGE will when checked make all LFOs automatically restart with any new LFO settings activated when changing to a pattern containing another part. If unchecked, the settings of the LFOs of the previous pattern/part will not be changed until trigs occur on the tracks of the new pattern. Activate and deactivate this setting by pressing [ENTER/YES].”

It could be that you solve your issues with the trig settings of your LFO:

“SYNC TRIG will restart the LFO on track start. The LFO then plays continuously.”

Last solution I can think of right now is use a trigless trig to set the LFO to start at the exact right moment!


Cheers for the input Husc
I have Auto LFO checked,

The problem is its a random problem which doesnt happen every time
It usually happens when i assign a new LFO, and like i said if the problem occurs i have to save the part a few times and then its ok

If it happens again ill try using sync trig

Your third option is something ive used (or just p-locking it to the trig)
But im using a lot of LFO’s with SCENES, so i dont want them activated all the time…

Anyway thanks again

So noone else has encountered this?