Headphone Recommendations?

I like my beyerdynamics DT-150, built like a tank, punch like a tank. Whatever you choose, when you will know your headphones, you will be able to compensate for them.

For travel, the dt770 is good value. If you know them, you can get away some good mixes. Iā€™d prefer closed back. Annoyed people tipping your shoulder doesnā€™t sound creative.

Aiaiai I broke my headphones in 2 yesterday. :hushed:

Anyone tried the new aiaiai wireless headphones? They claim to be latency free.

Already discussed in this thread, and in their own thread:


Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro. Very good sound quality for listening music but for mastering I need to use extra monitors as 990 pro did not show me the truth in low end and middle range. Just my experiencesā€¦

Iā€™ve had a bunch of expensive reference headphones over the years and theyā€™re fine - but there was always something that put me off using them (too heavy, too sweaty, too opinionated, too expensive/fragile feeling).

Iā€™ve reached the point now where I only use Final E2000s. Theyā€™re fast, open, good frequency range, accurate enough, and cheap enough that I can have a few sets of them dotted around (one at my desk, one in my bag etc)


Thereā€™s nothing more latency-free than a wire. Iā€™m not trying to be a jerk, but unless you are moving around a lot on stage, there doesnā€™t seem to be much use for wireless headphones in my humble opinion. Itā€™s just another thing to keep charged up, to troubleshoot, and potentially to fuss over. In the end, itā€™s best to get headphones that are durable and learn what good music sounds like on them. Then you have a reference point for producing.

Most working musicians I know use a pair of DT 990 Pros or ATH-M50s in their studios. For DJing, any decent closed-back set of headphones should be all you need. For other kinds of live performance, I like the Shure SE215 in-ear monitors.

I really donā€™t understand all the negative comments about the beyers, once you get used to the sound signature of them mixing becomes a relatively simple task, to start with I must admit I had a few teething issues with bass frequency compensation but after a couple of weeks my mixes were sound better imho than they had using my previous cheapo units, Iā€™ve got a pair of 990s and 770s for on the couch with the iPad.

Iā€™ve had audio technika, krk and senheisers so far and by far the krk were the worst culprit for over pronounced bass, and I found the audio technikas to be the ones that understated the bass frequency to the point where my mixes were to be frankā€¦ shiteā€¦

I personally donā€™t care much about charging as long as the battery life is decent. Got a couple AIAIAI headphones (which I all had to scrape the sticky coating off, look great after that though) and I like the way they sit on my head. The sound is decent, lightweight, and robust (although I broke one :sweat_smile:) .

If I can ditch the cable it would mean I can easily use it with my portable devices as well without having a wired connection. Thatā€™s a big plus over my Airpods Pro which I normally use.

If this model fixes latency than I guess for me this is a great deal. :slight_smile:

+1. I have a 1770 pro and itā€™s really superb in sound and how comfortable it is to wear. Kicks and sub bass sound great too, and mixing is very doable. Mostly I only need to do some minor corrections when I finish mixes on the monitors.

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The comments about the Beyerdynamics are more about the 770/990.
The 1770 Pro is a ā‚¬400+ headphone, you could buy 3 770/990ā€™s for that.

I have two 770 Proā€™s and a 990 Pro(the 250 Ohm ones), I think they sound harsh and lack bass.
No doubt good mixes were made on those, but for me theyā€™re fatiguing and I dislike the high frequency reproduction.

I mainly use an Ultrasone Pro 580i, it sounds like a slightly better version of a Sennheiser HD-25 with less microphonics. It was also cheaper and is more comfortable.
Outside I use a HD-25 because it weighs nothing and is indestructable.
For me, both of those translate well to monitors and back.

Headphone choice can be very personal though, itā€™s the same with monitors.
For instance, Genelec monitors are mostly regarded as very good but personally I canā€™t stand them.
I like my Yamaha HS-8ā€™s, other people donā€™t.

So when it comes to headphones, listen to a bunch and pick what you like best.

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You arenā€™t wrong about wires, but in a compact studio or a crowded apartment, wires can be a huge pain. Easy to catch on chairs and gear, which results in stress to the cable and jacks and can send lighter synths like Volcas flying.

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I have the 1990, and yes the bass is somewhat lacking, with sonarworks its very neutral/linear as it improves bass quiete a bit. I tend to listen at lower volumes, and they are very comfortable. Well worth it for me, they are very clear.

Yeah, Iā€™ve got the 1990s. They arenā€™t ā€œfunā€ headphones, for that I use my AT M50s but for mixing they are far more useful. I also use them for video games, I prefer the openness, helps to know Iā€™m not screaming into the microphone lol.

I was talking about the 770/990, not the 1990.

You would expect the 1990 to sound better for 3 times the money.
Iā€™ve never heard it though, so I canā€™t comment on how it sounds.

I still have my Beyers for vocalists, they seem to like them because of the clear mid-range.
Theyā€™re also indestructable so good for guests.

I get why people like them, theyā€™re just not for me sound-wise.
Maybe Iā€™ll change my mind when I hear a 1990.

I had sennheiser hd 380 before, they are ok, but i thought i use them everyday ā€¦ so why not throw some money at it. The sennheisers did not have the same impulse response, its very audible when you A/B them. I also wanted an extra pair for carry around, so i use the sennheisers still, because they fold a lot better.

Soā€¦ I need a new headphone. I did years with a AKG 701 (I knowā€¦) They served me well. But I need something that is more detailled for mixingā€¦ I narrowed it down after a lot of reading on the net. Reviews and here in this thread. I am thinking about either the Ollo Audio S4X or the Neumann NDH20. Watching the Focal listen also, because its a bit cheaper and I think enough for me. Anyone experience with these? Thanks

Editā€¦ I see a lot of difference in impedanceā€¦ I need to use it with my gear and laptop (without audio interface) as well. So maybe not the Neumann then?

If you want to use a headphone with your laptopā€™s built-in interface or a phone, make sure you buy one thatā€™s below 100 Ohm.

Higher impedance headphones work, but volume will be too limited for most people.


Austrian Audio hi-x55 over ear headphonesā€¦

I believe Austrian Audio was formed by ex AKG engineers, these headphones have a very similar sonic character to AKG models I have used in the past. Nice low impedance of 25ohms, very comfortable and very well built. Great for mixing as they are very detailed in the mid/high range, but maybe a little bass lightā€¦ I really like ā€˜em.

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Does anyone have Hifiman Sundara?

Do you think it would be a big improvement over Beyer DT 880 when it comes to mixing?

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