Headphone Recommendations?

Have you used Sonarworks with them?

I absolutely hated them at first, now they are bearable with Sonarworks.

I’m still looking around for a replacement though. Really interested in the MM-100 when they come out, pending reviews etc.

Yes I tried the demo version. Was pretty good tbh. In the end though I decided against buying the full version and instead opted for slate VSX and love it.

I still use the 702’s for a different perspective every now and then.

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i’ve used mine for years for listening and producing. you’re right about the frequency response (perhaps not “harsh” though, just imo), but you can learn it, and i find the level of detail is worth it. frequently something that sounds fine on speakers or cheaper closed-backs can reveal itself to be wrong (for instance, out of tune) on the K702s. just have to remember to dial back the bass in my mixes, and of course audition on other cans and speakers as well before committing!

edit: they really do need amplification too. these cans really do demand it and their flaws are intolerable without it. with it, they shine for critical listening and i really enjoy listening to music on them, even music with sub bass detail - the subs come through cleanly, just lacking in oomph.

Can’t, I deleted it. It was pretty much the same as I posted in this thread anyway.

Good idea :+1: thanks :pray:

okay so who’s going first?.. damn sounds like the 500 in the name stands for the price, looks like the AIAIAI TMA’s finally have some competition… oh wait a minute looks like they are around the same price as the tma’s


Just got a pair of the Beyerdynamic DT240 pros. They sound like they should cost a lot more than they do.

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Loving my NDH 30.

…finally got my new headphones after some waiting time: Beyerdynamic DT900 Pro X. definitely better than the old Sennheiser i’ve been using up until now, for both sound and build quality.
going to check differences with a couple of EQ profiles i found on the webz as i can’t use SoundID, it won’t run on my laptop due to old OS :expressionless: i couldn’t find any free alternative to it (anyone?)

guidance please
not that I can afford anything right now

been using Grado RS-1 to do my shit on. I LOVE how they sound with the albums I listen to. but I think they bone me pretty hard when im trying to “mix”. my thought was if you use ref tracks you should be fine. but I tried my stuff on some game headphones of mine just to check things out…Slave to the Rhythm as ref on both. Sounds sick on both. granted the game headphones were a bit more muffled, bassy. but not deadly.

then I put something of my own sounds thru both. and on the RS-1s my stuff sounded okay, a touch thin. but on the game headphones…holy shit, it was a bass freakin nightmare. BOOMIN’. cool cuz it was mad bass which I love. but the mix was just shit. how can Slave be great on both, and mine…okay on one, and trash on the other. I mean I know I cant mix, but that was egregious.

so with that, I cant mix to save my life, I dont have money, and was wondering if something like Beyer DT 900 pro would help me with mixing, or even are worth it…they are priced very cheap. something I could get by selling something. but if its just me, I wont waste time thinking about it, and just get doing what im doing.

i think there’s not a lot of reasons to go above DT880 for working pair of headphones.
same comfortable chassy as models three times the cost, flat responce, smooth bass and some fun air to keep things not boring.

as for will they help you or not, depends on you.
what you want to look for in mixing headphones is predictability and repeatability.
flatter headphones tend to be easier to get used to/memorize, and know how things will sound on other devices, while only listening through headphones.

doesnt matter how much you pay for a pair, you still have to crosscheck and experiment.

i dont do music for a living, so take this with a big grain of salt :tongue:
happy with my 880, have them for a few years now, after audio technica nightmare, and hope to keep them for as long as i can.

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I had the Beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro and sold them, now I´m happy with the Sennheiser HD 660s.


imo, don’t buy new headphones, you’ll just get even more confused.

Use the nice Grado headphones for sound design and composition. Basically, when you want to feel inspired and enjoy the sounds, but aren’t making critical decisions.

Then, do as much of your mixing as you can on the bad headphones. Or, cross check on them as much as you can.

Another way to think of it is: use the nice headphones to make sure each individual instrument sounds as good as possible, and to fix problems with them on an individual basis (e.g. cut out bass where it’s not needed, etc.).

But switch to the bad headphones when figuring out how to blend the tracks together.

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Coming to the conclusion that the Dt1990 Pro are the best buy for the sub £500 category. Been tossing up between those and the sennhieser HD 660S2. But getting the impression the 660S2 are more hyped and good for music listening rather than mixing and production. Where the DT1990 is clearly aimed towards transparency for mixing & mastering.

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It depends what your requirements are.

I’ve got to the point where I have multiple sets of Beyer DT’s and I’ll switch depending on the application. I think the Beyers all have a similar/ballpark sound to them that makes it easy to switch.

Of all the Beyers I have, I’ve never felt the need to get to the 4-digit ones like the DT1990s… for that role I’m happy with the DT900 Pro and DT880s.