Headphone Recommendations?


I had a pair of hd650 for a long time. Ultimately got fed up since their low end response and I wanted to upgrade my studio monitors, but as I do things from my bedroom and itā€™s not an acoustically treated room, I figured the next best thing would be to upgrade my headphones.

opted in for the HD800s, which is right around the same price point I would have spent to upgrade my studio monitors.

Compared to the 650 itā€™s night and day. Itā€™s like having glasses vs not. Everything is there still and you can distinguish it, but the details and separation are 3-D like and you can almost pick out individual frequencies like you see it. Hard to describe without trying them.

All this being said I still loved my 650. But owning the 800s I donā€™t think ill ever be able to go back :slightly_smiling_face:

Also I know budget wise this may not be a reality for most. The 650s are still excellent headphones and I cant recommend them enough for the price point,

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Iā€™ve got a pair of Sennheiser 650ā€™s since a couple of months and apart from the excellent build and sound quality , here is what i like the most about them . I tend to forget that iā€™m wearing them ! They have a very natural room like feel to it . As in , it feels like iā€™m listening to a pair of high quality near field monitors with a nice flat frequency response .


Iā€™ve just picked up the Beyer DT 900 Pro Xā€™sā€¦ initial impressions are very good and what I would have expected.
I bought them as an open back alternative to my DT770s, so Iā€™ll do some A/Bing in the next couple of daysā€¦ but Iā€™ve just done a quick comparison with my Sennheiser HD25ā€™s and it was what I expected, a lot more open and detailed than the HD25ā€™s (which I do really like for their main job.

The DT900ā€™s feel substantial, and Iā€™d say heavier than the 770ā€™s, but they felt comfortable out of the box.
They still have that new headphone zinginess to them right now, so Iā€™ll evaluate them properly when I know the drivers have had a good few hours use.

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Can anyone recommend over ear wireless/bluetooth headphones that sound decent and are comfortable to wear for multiple hours (while wearing glasses)?

I just need something for listening to music from my Android phone, getting tired of dragging around the 10ft cord of my DT-770 Pros, which otherwise are perfect in regards to comfort and sound.

I thought about the classic Bose quiet comforts (especially now thereā€™s a usb-c model) and canā€™t remember what I read which turned me away but I read something about ā€œcabin pressureā€ sensations which bothered some and not others.

The Sony XM4-somethings look really nice but I read the most comments about those not being comfortable for long periods, and making peopleā€™s ears sweaty. My DT-770s might not be the best in the middle of the summer but still never bother me.

Then I thought about Sennheisers because I really love the sound of the wireless ear buds I got (just donā€™t like the concept of sticking a plunger into my ear canal) and their Momentum Wireless headphones look okay but apparently people often pinch their fingers on the them due to something in the design lol.

So um, anyone have experience with any of those or something else that fits what Iā€™m looking for? Price range is $300ish. I wish they made wireless DT-770s lol

The Momentum Wireless series is worth checking out. I find them quite comfortable with glasses, I easily get a whole day out of a charge, and they have my second-favorite sounding noise-cancelling mode (my first-favorite being the 2Ɨ cost AirPods Max). The physical controls are also really nice and no-fuss.

Iā€™ve never pinched my fingers, but I imagine that has to do with the folding hinge when collapsing them to carry around or whatever? Iā€™ve literally never folded mine up since I got them because Iā€™m a homebody that never goes anywhere, so it hasnā€™t been a problem, but yeah. If youā€™re going to be taking them in and out of storage, watch out. That metal band look unforgiving :wink: EDIT: Also, I have no hair. I could see long hair interacting poorly with the hinges on the band :frowning:

I also really like the fit of the VModa Crossfade Wireless. Though they do not do noise cancelling, if thatā€™s important. Also, these have a very ā€œVā€ shaped response. Super fun to listen to, but in not great for mixing or if a more flat signature is your thing.

The Sonys, Bose, and Sennys are all considered ā€œprosumerā€ and were often out to be demoed at electronics shops or big box retailers with electronics departments like Best Buy ā€” but that was in The Before Times. Not sure if COVID has put the kabash on that, but thereā€™s really nothing like trying them in person, especially if you need to figure out where they rub you specific head with your specific glasses.

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Thanks for the response! My local Best Buy has the Momentums in stock so I think I might go see if I can at least try how the different options fit.

I work from home so only want them for easier music listening during the work day and donā€™t care about noise cancelling (or whether or not theyā€™re useful for mixing hah). Those VModas look interesting, will have to look into them.

ā€¦avoid noise canceling optionsā€¦

and beyerdynamics newest pro edition is biggest bang for any buckā€¦

all their serious know how from those superexpensive pre pro mastering models went into THISā€¦


itā€™s range response is top notch and they even designed this new range to work equal on all kind of impedanceā€¦so these ones, the open as same as the closed can version, donā€™t need hi impedance for best response anymore and can easily work also with low impedanceā€¦

a truu game changerā€¦cause especially with headphones, the small details make the huuuge differenceā€¦not to mention, that these are top notch built quality, hand assembled each in germany for surprisingly cheap pricetags, coming with all exchangeable compounds, two different cable length at ot once and a nice carry bagā€¦

Just chiming in to say that I love my S4Xsā€¦had the originals that I really liked and then they offered this really cheap update to S4X that I jumped on - a big improvement to already great mixing cans.

Super comfy and just feels premium. My other cans are DT-770 pro and AudioTechnica ATH-M50 which both are good but nowhere near the Ollos in my opinion.


as my Beyerdynamic DT880pro got a little scratchy in sub bass region recently, I thought it would be a good idea to get some new ones, they also may have a little more beef / getting a little louder. After some research on the net, reading experiences from people in forums and read all the marketing claims ā€¦ I finally took a listen to some beyerdynamic headphones in the shop. At the end, I went home with the DT1990, claimed as highend references headphones.

Back home I connected the DT880 and the DT1990 to my UAD Apollo. Great for headphone comparission, because it has 2 good headphone amps.

So what should I say:
To my ears, the DT880 sound better, with ofcourse a little less overall volume and less bass, but suuuuper nice mids and super nice stereo stage. ItĀ“s just a joy to listen (and working) for hours.
The DT1990 pro ofcourse have more bass and getting louder. But on some dubby sub bass music I had to turn the volume down because the cans startet to ā€œrattleā€. But the highs / trebble ā€¦ no way that this is reference sound. So anoying to my ears. If you have strong highhats or shaker, it is really anoying to listen after a while. I listen to some techno tracks by Ben Klock (Sub Zero is for me a good reference track) but also to some older basic channel stuff. For example ā€œQuadrant Dub 2ā€ ( the one with the vocal) ā€¦ the 909 hihats sound so pro-announced on the 1990. But on the 880 just perfect.

But I also know that my mixes done on the 880 sounds different then mixing with the Adams A7x+ sub in the studio. Maybe the 1990 are a bit more in that style of the monitors. Not sure. More tests will tell.

Any ways to ā€œtuneā€ headphones?

I use Sonarworks Reference for my monitors and my headphones, certainly has helped my mixes (well, I think so anyway )

Just here to say that headphones in general and what is considered ā€œflatā€ is a major rabbit hole. Buy something decent that fits your ears and learn their quirks and how to translate them to other systems. Neumann ndh 20 for me.


have any of you guys tried these, or know of anything better?

I have a pair of Bose QC15 (Quiet Comfort) on their way out.
I know this is not what one would expect to mix but I am used to them.
What would be, in terms of sound, isolation and comfort the closest match?
I am looking at Sony MDR-7506 or Ultrasone Performance 880.
Any advice?

I wanna try those wireless one Tinez talked about. The wire on my headphones drive me fucking nuts.

Hate for wires runs deep

the AIAIAI TM-2? Canā€™t recommend themā€¦ their bluetooth implementation is complete shit ā€¦ the wiring is also really cheap - was really lucky I bought from Amazon and they gave me a refund after 1.5 years struggling with them. Also the ear parts really hurt! Had to buy the studio ear pieces which were a relief to my ears (the default ones reaaally hurt after 5 min of wearing)


Noted. :frowning:

Wire for now I guess

ah cool they finally put detachable cables on them, that was the main point of failure for my pair.

Still in love with my phonon smb02 - canā€™t find anything better for similar cash. Theyā€™re fantastic.

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Are you talking about the wireless ones or wireless plus ? Which have only been released in January ?