Heat - Soft clipping

Trying to work out how close the Heat can get to the effect from something like the Kazrog Kclip. Clipping the signal for loudness. Anyone have suggestions on settings??

clean boost should do the trick?

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Increasing the clean boost drive also increases the output level though. I guess its the amp/env settings that are key to emulating soft clipping in limiter. For example, Uhe presswerk has a useful ‘soft clip’ feature which puts a wall on the output level just below 0db. Tried messing around with the env attack and release at 0 but not really getting the desired effect.

you turn down the patch volume to compensate

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Ok, so I worked it out. I was keeping the overbridge input level below 0db.
It works much better when allowing the input trim via heat plugin to go a little higher.

So even with the drive parameter turned low, it can still have the desired affect and catch the peaks. The input and output stages can be put to work in this way. What’s even more interesting, that it still catches the peaks when ‘inactive’ when processing audio through the overbridge plugin. In a useful way.

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I basically realised about input level when I watched datalines video and noticed the waveforms on the gui were much larger than I normally have.


Also the Dirt is @127

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Thanks tsutek for the lead, I was indeed able to tame the transients of a very dynamic drum loop with the Clean Boost circuit of the Analog Heat :slight_smile:

You have to set your Drive parameter at a high level and compensate by reducing the Wet Level or the Preset Volume in order to preserve your RMS level or to make sure your peak level is below zero if your goal is to make your loop louder.

In my example (see below), I was able to tame the transients by 6 dB (from around -1dB to -7dB with RMS constant at -18dB)

The peak levels on the VU meters (figures at the bottom left) match perfectly the peak levels from Overbridge. The latter never reset, you have to click on them to do so.