Hello! Finally!

Hello dear elektronauts!

I finally ordered an Octatrack after months of waiting and saving.
This forum has already been very helpful in letting me learn about all the tips, tricks and little quirks this machine has.

The plan is to use the Octatrack for live performances together with a Teenage Engineering OP-1 and a Critter & Guitari Pocket Piano midi.

A few years ago I owned a Monomachine but sold it. Probably the only synth-sale I have ever regretted.

If you like you can check out some of my music here:

I am also an active member on ohpeewon.com with the username myawesomekite.

Have you managed to sequence the OP-1 without going through the computer? I just ordered an Octatrack myself! I know the OpLab would work but it’s so damn expensive. Hoping someone else have found a workaround.

No, as of right now I need to go through a computer. But I plan on getting an Oplab or iconnectmidi soon.

I use a Kenton USB host. Works great. Congrats on your purchase.

Kenton usb midi host works GREAT. very cheap and it’s in stock in most places right now.


currently i am triggering the minitaur with the op-1. the op-1 is connected to the kenton midi usb host via USB and the minitaur to the kenton via midi out.

i plan to do this the other way around with the midi in of the kenton host and the octatrack as master with the op-1 as slave.

don’t have my octatrack/analog4 in yet but I will be certainly posting a ton of stuff using them together.

this is nothing special but i hooked them up with a microbrute and came up with this. I split my op-1 audio between my audio interface and the minitaur.

let me know if you have any questions with the kenton host, planning to get a sync gen II soon so i can properly automate ableton/bitwig(coming soon i heard? LOL) with midi.

Welcome! Are you using the OP-1 to sequence anything externally, or does it just sequence by itself?

I like your bandcamp tracks, btw.

Thank you!
Right now I sequence the OP-1 with logic and record to the OP-1 tape.
After that I import the tape tracks into logic to mix, record more tracks to tape until I’m satisfied with the track.

@Ihatederekreed & @nirun, I’ll definitely check out the Kenton. Way cheaper than the Oplab.

Don’t count out the oplab though. It’s still a great utility. Expensive, yes, but completely worth it.

Keith McMillen Instrument’s ‘QuNexus’ is a wonderful utilitarian expressive keypad as well as 3 cv/outs that like the A4, each of those three make a Tip/Sleeve pair, as well as 2 cv/in and other configurable everything. nothing like Korg Nanopad or similar. The QuNexus has an editor to fully configure/load your presets/set-ups. Their “Midi Expander” is midi to cv and cv/midi and full midi in/out 5 pin din as well as USB…their other stuff is pretty forward thing as well.

Just got the Kenton, great value. Can’t wait to muck around with the OT and OP-1!

interesting, i was thinking about getting a livid BASE to control ableton but this might be better. Was also looking at the monome, but need something a little more straight forward for now.

Thanks for all the tips!
I will read up on all of them to see which one will fit my needs best.
