Help Analog 4 Not Making Sound


I sent my Analog 4 to USA support to get the front panel replaced (chipping paint) while it was still under warranty. Unfortunately, it has arrived back to me making no sound.

I updated to the latest OS. I did a test and got no errors. I did an empty and factory reset. I made sure all mutes were off. I am sure the power supply is correct because this is my only elektron unit and it is thus the only power supply I own with elektron printed on the plug. At this point I am just confused and at wit’s end. I have written the support team, but I am hoping someone here might have advice on something I have not tried yet.

Thanks in advance.


Is it possible support sent it back with the wrong PSU? Assuming of course you sent it in with the PSU in the first place. The label should say PSU-3, not PSU-2 which is for the MKii’s and OT.

Other than that, if you checked all your mutes, levels, vol, etc, then I’d wait to see what support has to say.

Yea, they didn’t have me send my power supply with the unit so it was here the entire time. Bummed, was looking forward to some time on it today.

Just an anecdote - when I sent my A4 to Elektron support for repairs, they returned it with an incorrect power supply. I was extremely confused at first because when powered up, everything worked perfectly except there was no sound output. I believe it was an Octatrack power supply. I ended up needing them to ship me an A4 power supply.

Maybe by some fluke the power supply I have happened to go bad when I sent my A4 to them for repair? Seems like a strange coincidence, but I guess anything is possible. As I said, I kept the power supply, which is the proper ps-3 version. I guess I will just have to wait to hear back from support.