Help with FX track LFO

I am not sure. I meant default track’s lfo settings are recalled by trigs, not with lock trigs, even with LFO.T FLT.T AMP.T set to off for both…

Yup or I’m not understanding you correctly.

Trig page defaults for those settings are used by note trigs, but not for lock trigs.

Edit: Ahh I guess you mean after a lock, a note trig will use the default settings of that parameter if not locked again, a lock trig won’t. Good point :slight_smile:

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Yes. So it can be annoying if you want to use several red trigs.

And unfortunately yellow trigs don’t seem to be able to trigger AMP.T. Bug, wrong display, or did I miss something ?

So it seems like if you want to trigger AMP.T you have to use red trigs and plock previous value if you want to keep.
So in @johnnyhaggis case, maybe he’d need to copy plocked trigs to avoid that…

haha, you guys have lost me here… i have 3 red trigs, each one has the values i want p-locked on them

ill make a video later and maybe you guys can see what stupid mistake im making…

:content: Sorry, probably too much informations, and I wanted to share about this difference between red/yellow trigs (I didn’t know it before). It can imply anoying behavior with several red trigs, not your case.

Did you try with a new/short pattern ?

I’ve got it (more or less) working.

Yellow trigs on 1, 17, 33.

Trig LEN doesn’t seem to affect things.

SPD: 32
BPM: 1
DEST: Amp Pan
WAV: Sin

Trig 1
LFO.T on
Pan 100% left
LFO Depth: +127.98

Trig 17
LFO.T on
Pan 100% right
LFO Depth: -127.98

Trig 33
LFO.T on
Pan 100% left
LFO Depth: +127.98

@Octagonist I didn’t understand it should stop…I was thinking about Trig mode, now I’m not sure…
BPM changes missing.

You’re right. I misunderstood the intended effect; I divided it in half!

Yeah, the HALF modes are useless for this :smiley:


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thanks for the effort! interesting idea to start with the pans - but it’s still not working for me, i get the same result, the LFO is just running, free, but now it’s just a lot slower

I could make it work with Trig mode. Basic settings, red trigs.

@johnnyhaggis, do red trigs locks change other parameters like filter frequency for instance ?

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ooh good question - apparently not - i just made the first trig lock to AMP VOL and it just ignores it.

I made a video of what’s going on:

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I’m pretty sure the problem is that your effects track is muted. When it plays the FX LED should blink white when a trig fires (like other tracks do, and even through the orange, which just indicates you’re on the FX pages), and it’s not blinking as it should here.

To unmute: Hold FUNC, press BANK to see the Global (green) mutes) and press BANK, then release: it will be a dim or lit green on this page, needs to be lit. To check pattern mutes, hold FUNC, press BANK twice while holding FUNC, release, and they’ll be purple, make sure the FX is illuminated.


ah excellent! except i cant test it out because now when i turn on the syntakt it tells me OOPS! SOMETHING WENT WRONG, WITCH OFF/ON TO BOOT AGAIN…

and it does this each time, how do i fix that??

Wait a few minutes…

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MAZEL TOV - yes, now it works, i knew it would be sometimes silly like that

when you mentioned it earlier, I also checked but somehow I didn’t notice that FX was off on the bright green mute screen because it was on in every other screen and when i press FUNC and I had trouble parsing the instruction…