Hidden Gems and Secret Weapons

Rm1x. One day I’ll get hold of an RS7000. Fantastic hardware sequencers.

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I bought but unfortunately sold one of the old Boss half rack delay units that came out back in the day. at the time I had it in line with almost every track I wrote. They made a series of units, even a little rack for them. Would love to buy it back some day as i found it a nice form factor and also enjoyed the sound and controls image


I played for a while in a mates band and the guitarist is still using a slightly later Boss 1/2 rack FX unit. Never upgraded. Come to think of it he’s still playing the same Fenix strat too. He’s had them both from new and it’s all I’ve ever seen him play. Clearly another fan!

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Broken ASR-X for sample fodder. Circuit bent Casio RZ-1. Casio FZ-10m for grungy sampling plus multi-synthesis.

Yamaha EX5R or A3000 for its DJ effects, plus Alesis Ineko, Akira, and ModFX.

Boss VF-1 for it’s glitchy pitch-to-MIDI and as a poor man’s TC Fireworx.

But the best IMO is an iPad with AUM and apeMatrix and many AUv3s.


OTO Biscuit for adding extra texture. Not really a secret, just really hard to get. I’m lucky enough to own two and they are great. One is used in Der OTO mode as an 8-Bit synth, the other is in normal mode.


I would love to share my hidden gems and secret weapons on here but when I find a piece of vintage gear I really like, I tend to buy 2 or 3 copies over a year or two when I can score on a cheap auction… so I’m scared to share for fear of having more competitors on my auctions! So torn… Probably a close-enough answer is that there’s a lot of cool vintage rack stuff out there with great sound and hugely enhanced functionality versus guitar pedal effects, ESPECIALLY for delays.

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Mine is the _____. Love that thing. Sounds freaking amazing.


I have to say my mixer recorder devices like my 1010 Music Bluebox, TX-6 and Zoom L12 let me record on the fly and remix later in a DAW while remaining portable. Synth wise, my Digitone, Rytm and Virus do most of what is needed for making songs.

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E-MU Ultra with RFX-32 as a vocoder, ring modulator, custom fx chains instantly recallable and of course it’s main function as the one true do it all sampler that hasn’t been beaten in depth or sound since IMO.


Any compressor that has cool dancing lights for its gain reduction rather than some boring meter.

Here that’s a dbx 163a and an elysia xfilter.

DI box is the most useful $10 I’ve ever spent on gear.

No matter what people tell you about the “ambiance of signal noise” nothing, literally nothing, sounds good recorded with ground loops or input noise going deeee deet deet deet deeee deet deet in the background.


Boss BX mixers…i have an 8 channel one and a 6 channel one. They do something marvelous to your sound and clip beautifully. Also 2 fx sends on the 8 channel babe!!

Also Alesis bitrman. There are a few for sale atm online and they have been quite hard to find in the past. The ultimate end-of-chain mangler/one knob limiter fuck off device.

Finally the novation bass station 2!! got it solely for making drum kits with the AFX mode and its so much fun. The onboard sequencer has 32 preset rhythms and you can tweak as it plays. Great for sampling kits and live play. Will soon be controllin w/digitakt cc’d to hell n back madness. Yes.


Will a DI box get rid of annoying AF ground loop noise?!

like you wouldn’t believe.

you will need a cable with XLR on one side that goes to 1/4 inch or 3.5 that takes clean audio out of the DI box. I got mine used for 5 bucks


$200 CAD o__o

What’s a DI box and what does it do? Thanks!

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2 ins and 2 outs, 26 american nickel butts.

neat things for cheap

it turns an unbalanced input into a balanced signal and outputs via XLR so you could for example send a guitar directly to a mixing console, but it has other benefits that are not related to that particular functionality.


DI or direct injection boxes allow line level signals to connect (or directly inject) to desk/console mic inputs. They offer impedance matching and isolation. A transformer based DI offers galvanic isolation so there’s no direct electrical connection between its input and output. Most also offer a ground lift switch which can be handy if you’ve got ground loop issues.