Hiphop Beat Battle #18: Voting and Feedback





Thanks for voting :slightly_smiling_face:

Still waiting for votes from these good people.
But you still have a day or so.

All still very close so far


Great playlist again guys, props!! There is some serious bangers here! :fire:


Here is my votes:
1 -> 2
2 -> 11
3 -> 9 (I love the use of the end sample in the background)

Anyway is always difficult to choose. Everybody has done a great job.


1: track 1
2: track 14
3: track 4

Great tracks guys! I Like the dark overall tone of this battle, a very apocalyptic feel!


1 -> Track 17: This one goes hard from the beginning. It’s kind of neat hearing others pick out the same bit of a song to use but in a totally different way. Very dirty, I love it.
2 -> Track 6: Another one that knocks hard. Nice use of vocal snippets as well. Sets the sinister mood. And then the ghostly vocals to end it.
3 -> Track 9. Some really great vocal snippets and foley in the background on this one. Reminds me of . The singing interlude almost doesn’t quite match which I’d love to see repitched maybe to match the main hook.

Track 4: A good solid beat on this one. I couldn’t help but miss some extra interest on this one though.
Track 11: Really nice use of the guitar riff. Tight, solid drums. Well done.
Track 15: I’m a sucker for opening dialogue to a track. It sets the mood. The sax riff carries this one but could use some more presence. Think I’m hearing the guitar riff in the background but it’s really hard to tell. Maybe bring that up a bit.


1= 11
2= 14
3= 9

Hm. 4. - 1. - &5 (the ventolin of hiphop)
Several other great tracks juggled around before landing here. Didn’t know people were going so dark for this one but I liked it


Here’s a screenshot of my notes where I decided on my top three dated a few days ago, I thought I’d post it as it’s very close and with my votes the battle has finished on a draw for first place.
And also a draw for second place so we can’t get closer than that.

1st - 4
Nice beat, great mood. A little different in mood from most but in a good way

2nd- 2
Really catchy, one of those that continues to play through your head when the track stops.

3rd -11
Great use of pitching and love the Saigon intro

Got us off to a great start, and set the bar high for what was to follow.

What a mood! Maybe a little slept on this one, it’s one of those that grows on ya.

Another nice beat and great use of the sample

Ok so the battle is done, I’ll put the names up shortly and the results


Well done @doug @symian joint first place with 18 points each

Well done @monquixote you got 14 points along with myself for joint 2nd

And well done with 13 points and not sharing that spot with anyone to @1-2

A really close battle and congrats to all.
I think it would be good to have a top 5 choices if we get a lot taking part so maybe that’s a thought for a future battle.

Anyway, after their excellent beats It’s deservedly down to @Doug @Symian to decide the next battle, and in their own time I’m sure they’ll get back to us with battle #19

In the meantime for a relaxed chop around with some good music you could always join @aarb420 & @natehorn
For their bi-weekly sample post

Well done everyone, you are all a talented bunch and i love it when a playlist comes together from a few random ideas and sounds like a coherent beat tape
Salute 🫡 :clap:


Congrats everyone, some of you are always here in the top 3… You should think to become professional if you are not already. Really top quality, I wouldn’t be surprised to hear your beat in a commercial hiphop project. :fire:


Excellent battle everyone, thanks so much for all the votes, feels very good to be in the top 3 again, I’ve never really rated myself in the same league as some of you guys so thanks again for all the kind words etc… if it’s okay with @Doug I’ll defer to him for hosting the battle if he’s down for it because things are a bit complicated for me right now…

You guys rock :pray:


Congrats guys!!



I can’t believe I placed!
I probably shouldn’t be as excited about this, but I probably rank it somewhere between winning an Oscar and a Grammy.
It’s just over a year since I started on my electronic music making journey (Curse you Korg Gadget being on sale) and I’ve learned so much primarily through spending time on here and doing the missions. Given the standard on here I generally consider getting any votes at all to be mission accomplished so I’m super delighted.

For my track I started off working through the Alien soundtrack and was just reminded of how that’s been my favorite horror film since forever so I just wanted to make a track using those samples (I used the soul track for some of the drums and didn’t use the other soundtrack at all).
I decided I wanted to make the track really embody horror which is why you’ve got all the risers and jump scare shock noises in it. I was also reminded of how despite the Alien being terrifying the scariest thing for me was always Ash.
The whole thing is just done using the Bitwig sampler instrument with the exception of Sublab reinforcing some of the bass samples with an octave down and all the samples are from Alien other than some of the drum one shots.
Other than that the only element is the spooky noise in the background which is just some of the samples running through Soundtoys crystallizer.

The whole challenge has been a blast and I’m looking forward to the next one.


It’s more than deserved buddy, i got joint 2nd with you but i certainly dont want to host again and if Symian isnt hosting you could always joint host with @Doug

@Symian hope all’s good fella, and will be good to see you at least take part, if not, will be good to see you back when you’re ready


I’m more than happy to help out if @Doug would like some support.


Thanks man, as some you may or may not know my lad is autistic, he’s having a bit of a tough time right now so my priority is him :two_hearts:, I appreciate you taking the time to ask if things are okay though fella, all the best :pray::+1:


Top bloke, that’s just how it should be, and hope the tough time passes quickly for the lad.


Congrats to all the winners!
Those were some great beats you all made :boom::bangbang::drum::rotating_light:


Great job, Y’all.

Thank you @Yabba for hosting.


Congrats all! And thanks @Yabba More later, I wanted to share some track notes but got sick today (nothing serious).

Just wanted to send positive vibes to @Symian and your lad.