Hold Time

The full RMP wave goes straight to zero after the ‘attack’. I’m not sure what kind of sound you’re going for but it’s not much of a decay! Anyway, that’s beside the point. Have you tried other LFO waveforms, like TRI in half mode (which looks like equal attack and decay)?

What are your other settings? I would assume having the half TRI wave on the LFO would allow a crude attack/decay if your attack and hold in the amplitude page were set to zero, and decay set to maximum. I really need to start reading this thread while I’m actually in front of my monomachine haha.

The manual recommends the RMP or EXP waves, which makes most sense to me. Anyway I have finally sussed it, I just needed to crank the LFO mult up to 64x.

I can recommend trying this as the different envelopes make a noticeable difference to the sound (you can achieve that piano plink sound) and there is also a noticeable difference between using the RMP or EXP waves.

The following settings work well

Amplification page

ATK- 0, HOLD-127, DEC-64, REL-53 (or to taste)

DIST- -11, VOL- 70

LFO page

PAGE-AMP, DEST-VOL, TRIG-ONE, WAVE- EXP or RMP (EXP is sharper sounding)

MULT-64X, SPD-80, INTL-0, DPTH-127 (or to taste)

Interesting! I don’t usually use AMP envelopes beyond just release times, but I’ll check it out. Could be good for when something needs a bit more punch!

When using that patch you can change the SPD parameter to fine tune the length of the envelope. Use with the ARP for interesting effects.

Just to chime in, the HOLD parameter sets how long the envelope will stay sustained, as long as the Trig / MIDI Note is held down.

It is relative to the BPM, with a HOLD of 127 being 1 bar (16 steps) long. In other words, 1 step on the sequencer is a HOLD of 8, 4 steps are 32, etc.

If a Note Off is received, OR if the HOLD time has elapsed, the envelope goes into the Decay phase.

Wow, good shout about HOLD being related to BPM. No mention of that in the manual and I had not noticed it.

When the HOLD time elapses the envelope does go into the Decay phase but when a Note Off is received it goes into the Release phase (and it won’t go into the Release phase without a Note off).

Thanks for the correction!

The amp page on the mono is very interesting indeed. I really like the hold parameter you can make some very cool staccato sounds with it. I like to get a nice melody going and then randomly insert two or three trigs before certain notes. I will then parameter lock the hold to some low value (0-3). Gives some good variation to a melody and to me it makes the notes seem like they are “dancing around” if that makes sense.

Also, never thought of the hold being related to tempo but thats a great way to think about it!

You also need to p lock dec to low value too. Also try this with a slower attack and portamento turned close to 64.

Bumping this thread, the info in here shouldn’t be buried!