Hi guys,
Would like to ask your advice on the following -
With a few friends, I’ve been gradually getting a live set together with AR + AK + MnM and it was fairly easy to keep organised before I recently purchased my OT.
Previously we had 8 songs per project, with each song having it’s own bank (on AK + AR - MnM is less of a problem as it’s mainly playing supporting lines rather than a bulk of any of the songs).
Bank A being song 1, Bank B being song 2 and so on…
We also made sure that each bank had it’s own Kit so that we could have different sounds, and track parameters in each song.
However the OT has thrown a spanner in the works. As (please correct me if I’m wrong, as relatively new to OT) an OT can only have 4 Parts (or Kits as they are known in the Analog series) and so this is fine for the first 4 songs in the project, but the final 4 leave me with a problem.
Would I have to organise it so that half of our live set is in one OT project, and the other half is in another OT project? Which would then allow us to have 8 parts, 1 for each song in our live set?
Or is there another way around this?
I’ve read Merlin’s guide, particularly the section about parts, and this seems to be the only way?
I was planning on using the crossfader trick to transition between our songs by recording a loop of the previous track playing into the OT, which would then enable us to crossfade the next track in, similar to how a DJ would.
However this process means the OT is pretty key to transitioning between tracks, and so changing projects in the middle of a set on the OT would be less than ideal as would prevent the ability to do this.
I’m sure we could work around it by having one blend of two of tracks less dependent on the OT, which would enable me to switch projects on the OT while the other machines handle the transition.
However, again, this isn’t ideal either as would mean not having the OT as master clock, as we have it currently set up. And as I have the midi in on the OT taken up by my Virus TI, I wouldn’t be able to play notes into the OT from the Virus as the midi in would now be required to receive Midi Clock from either AR or AK
Would be really interested in hearing how you guys have your live set configured, and if anyone could offer any advice specific to our case!
Really appreciate the help, and hopefully the above makes sense!