How does alcohol affect your music producing creative abilities?

I must admit that being a little wasted on a Saturday night on a hot summer day i can really enjoy some of my recordings that i tend to find a kinda meh sober. A different perspective when your just feeling instead of analyzing too much is quit nice once in a while.


I like to drink a beer or two when Iā€™m working on new ideas and tracks late in the afternoon. I feel like my playing is a bit more loose and I try stuff I wouldnā€™t have when Iā€™d be completely sober. I have to be careful though, because if I have more than a couple of drinks I will just jam and not get any real stuff done most of the time. Things like editing and arranging I definitely do best sober.

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vocals while drinking
everything else sober


Nay for me.
I dont drink much alcohol any more as it is. I dont see the point in trying to make my art while under the influence of a CNS depressant.

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I enjoy a good beer (Belgium here, so ample choice :slight_smile:), but I donā€™t like the feeling of being drunk.
When I jam with a friend on our project, we always have a nice beer, maybe 2, but not more. The light buzz I might feel doesnā€™t bother me while playingā€¦
Before livesets I like to have a ricard or 2 to relax the nerves.
But I always hate it when I drank that one to many and be drunk.

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I feel your painā€¦I too am in Japan wishing I could have it now and again without facing punishment.

As a German, I do like beer but once you donā€™t drink as much anymore (expensive in Japan) you notice how hard it actually hits. I find it quite disturbing sometimes, so music rather sober for meā€¦okay maybe one beer, but thatā€™s it.

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Nice to hear.

Iā€™m actually done with booze nowadays. Had some family drama recently that reinforced my decision to quit. Not knocking it for others that still enjoy it, but I know I have the potential to take things too far. Addictive personality as they say.

Maybe last time I drank was a little after Golden Week?


Just replace programming skill with music producing skill:


Iā€™m drinking right now.

This is the best sentence I have ever written.


ā€¦good for recordingā€¦bad for producingā€¦

ā€¦if recordung equals producingā€¦well, the dose makes the poison and u really got to have ur shit together, knowing ur gear inside outā€¦

Donā€™t ask me to back it up, but i read somewhere that every beer takes 3dB off your ability to hear the top endā€¦

So now i only drink wineā€¦




No really, I canā€™t hear you at all. Can you speak louder?



interesting topic indeed; being involved into the underground electronic music scene meant to me that alcohol was/is an essential component for the most; I personally donā€™t like to drink when producing alone but I use to when doing jams with my mates!

I remember getting high as fuck one night, got the DT out, and made something that was from another world.

The next morning, I had a listen, and it was the biggest load of shit Iā€™ve ever made. :joy:


To be honest, alcohol started to impact me differently after I turned 30 a few years ago, and now it sometimes seems like I get the onset of a hangover before I even catch a buzz, so itā€™s pretty unappealing to drink now.

A similar thing happened to me after 30. Hangovers also started having this strong psychological bummed out feeling too. Seems to be a common story after 30.

I donā€™t find alcohol useful in making music for me either. I think it somehow interacts with the inherent intoxicating nature of making music so it interferes with that natural effect in my experience.

I will say alcohol is useful when a song is done and I need to get in a different headspace so it can sound ā€œnewā€ again when assessing it. After hearing a song 50 times itā€™s hard not to be unrealistically critical.


Not opposed to producing after a couple of beers / drinks. Definitely confers a different headspace. Being DRUNK and doing it is pretty useless, in my experience.

Editing and mix down / finalization is definitely NOT a drinking task lolā€¦

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I have some fun memories (and shitty songs) from drunk music making with friends. When getting drunk enough I notice i cant even remember some guitar riffs at all.
Now im 30 and 1 strong beer makes me feel drunk, and sometimes sad so thereā€™s less drinking now lol. Though I have had 1 beer when writing this.
Creativity-wise it doesnā€™t really add or remove anything for me.

Iā€™m thinking of using a kegerator as my studio desk.