How does he do it?

Im sure many of you have seen this track by Dataline

So the resolution is not that good but you can tell he’s playing a static track on track 1 and using track 8 as the master (it seems)…

How does he do it and what is that trig plus trig kind of sequence he’s doing?

Im entranced by this track, i love it… I want to know how he’s doing doing it…

If Dataline is reading this, please teach us mere mortals the secrets of the OT gods!


set delay lock on page 2 of effect 2… then press function down a bunch of times till you get to the delay control page and then look up in the manual how exactly it works, because it might have you scratching your head the first time you try it.

Delay lock on a trig or on a track? This has me confused…

On the setup page for the delay effect, there is a setting called “lock” that enables this behaviour. In the video it’s on the master track to do the beat repeat thing over all sounds. Except the kick which is probably routed out the cue output thus not going through the master track.

Good advice.

And btw that video was a big factor in me deciding to buy the OT. Another one was this, really impressed me:

In the Delay parameter page you have to set the :zonked: to :confused: and :wink: to taste, he is using :+1: .

Then in the delay you set the :heart: and :alien: to 127.

Set the :rage: parameter to taste so it works with your tempo.

After that you go to the :joy: and have :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: !!!

With luv !!!

Oh no you’ve given the game away!!! Cenk is not gonna be happy when he finds out you’ve given away one of his hard earned golden techniques! :imp: :joy:

Check this out ! I made it a little bit harder, EARN IT !

:+1: Lmao :joy:

Thanks. I’ll test this tonite.


…be careful…freeze delays only work with fx send set to zero…
and only shut up with fx send set to anything that is NOT ZERO…which is really confusing…
so don’t wonder…
try it on master track only, for now…
and set the trigbuttons to delay control to get the whole fun out of it…