When i create six blank tracks with drums on the first and reverb on the second, i wont hear the reverb unless the trig keys are on. I tried and replaced a factory kit with drums on the first and reverb on the second. Here the reverb was effecting the entire track in a more pleasing sounding way in contrast to the “on and off”-type of sound when i do this from scratch.
Try and put a long trig on first step on the reverb track!
does the issue may be a routing path ?
You mean with a long ADHR-curve on the reverb?
I dont know. I hear the reverb, its just that its only triggered through the trig buttons. Dont know if there is another way of routing FX except of through the bus or NEIBOR.
yes, in my aforementioned post I was referring to the bus routing internally of the MM … was just a thought, cant help you further …
another tip: try a new kit, maybe some wonky things in the existing one …
if all fails: do a quick but detailed thurough explanation of how you started your project record with video and wait for other users to reproduce your settings … I certainly would!
All fx as tracks work in pretty much the same way apart from the changes you dial in specific to the fx type (obviously) and you use trigs on the fx track to set them off, however if you want to hear an effect working continuously you should only need to add trig1 and make changes on the amplification page of the fx track.
Increase hold (most important) decay and release - the higher the values the more continous the effect from the trig point.
And yep… also make sure that the fx track has the correct routing - neighbour / inputs / bus(es)… ?
Using trigs in combo with amp settings makes the MM very powerful - you can get some really outlandish results with it as well as it being a regular standalone fx box for inputs for example.