How hot does your Syntakt get?

Feel it gets more cosy than warm :blush:

But maybe the chassie should have had ventilation holes?

I think so, as A4/AR/AH have some…
Possible dust problems thought.

Easy with same light. :wink:
But the Syntakt received some oil while cooking ! :grimacing:


I legit thought my ST was gonna burn my house down last night it got so hot. It was so hot that Exxon came by to see if they could borrow it for geothermal energy. It was so hot that Victoria’s Secret fired all their models and hired the Syntakt. It was so hot that climate scientists determined that if everyone kept their Syntakts off for one day, we could immediately end and reverse climate change.

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I’m a bit concerned by the heat as I live in a hot climate. Does it get hotter the longer it stays on? Obviously it takes a bit to warm up.
Oddly I thought it was smoking the other night and ended up charred. Thankfully I woke up.

Rumour has it that if you leave it on long enough it glows so hot it can be seen from the moon

Lol :rofl:

Space between top cover and buttons are slightly bigger compared to Digitakt, I believe these could work as part of ventilation system.


Gaps for buttons are big enough to act like ventilation holes.

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Thanks for precision. I see what you mean, some people complained about dust concerning this iirc. :content:

They are definitely part of ventilation design. Last time I left my Syntakt switched on with decksaver on top. It was really hot after 2hrs. Temperature immediately dropped down after I took off decksaver.

I found the Syntakt unpleasantly hot to use on my lap compared to a laptop which was one of the things that contributed to my selling it.

I’d still be interested for somebody to actually measure the temperature - my assumption is that it’s as hot as any other analogue piece of gear (which all get hot) but it’s hard to benchmark without numbers.

My AH external case can reach 40c if the sun’s on it - pretty sure my Oto Boum gets hotter than that. My A&H mixer is probably about the same as the AH. My eurorack case runs a bit cooler due to the design and excessive space in it, but some of the modules run very hot - QPAS probably my hottest, can make the case its in hot to the touch.

Get a laser on that badboy.


And yea I wouldn’t want my analog heat or boum on my lap either. Appreciate folks want to use Syntakt that way but it’s probably not an ideal usecase.

As soffter says:

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I’m sure this has been suggested already, but I imagine the case is acting as heatsink by design?

I’ve been putting my syntakt squeezed snuggly in the middle of my digitone/digitakt for a while, but have started to realize the heat from the syntakt could start warping the steel of the other two devices if left turned on for prolonged periods of time(running my hands along the edges of digitakt, I’m started to notice it’s slight warping and the metal edges/corners no longer being 100% flush. Syntakt has a bit of a wobble to it now as well. Not a big deal at all… but now I’ve been more conscious about making sure syntakt has enough spacing and breathing room on all sides for ventilation. It’s probably the best thing for it in the long run.

I unfortunately don’t have a laser thermometer but I did do a test a while back by just sticking a meat thermometer under the box. After letting it run for a few hours the max temps I saw were between 109-111°F (~43°C). The temperature stayed the same whether I was actively using it or letting it sit idle.

I also started propping it up on a cheap laptop stand and for some reason it reduced the temperature quite a bit down to about 85°F (29°C). My guess is the holes for the VESA mount on the back are allowing more open ventilation than when they’re laying flat on the desk.

Probably not the most accurate reading because I don’t have an IR thermometer, but it was enough to calm my concern about how warm it was. Those temps are totally within the normal range of analog gear.


At startup, on the left, I have a C letter. One person on another forum says it corresponds to hardware C, and that it is much less hot than the first Syntakt he had, with letter A…

Any thought?

I read somewhere that the letters correspond to the bootstrap version. Pretty sure the letter changes with updates and not hardware

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Mine does get warm, but I like it. Makes me feel like I put in some work after using it.
Sorry, no temperature reading.

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