How to best organize projects? (OT and A4 combo)

Have an OT and an A4. Only in a couple weeks and can agree with all that’s been posted about the virtually unlimited uses and capabilities. Cheers to Elektron!

I plan on, going forward, making this my primary composition/performance system. This and a Haken Continuum and Akai EWI thrown in for good measure.

My question is how best to organize my projects? At any one time, I may have 3 or 4 different ideas at some level of completion. So I need a reliable way to get back to ideas, as well as start new.

I’ll most probably always be using both the OT and A4 in some way. As they manage their projects differently, I’m finding that I’m a bit confused when I go to pull something up or save something on each. Some of this is probably due to my lack of hours with the devices.

Still, I’m wondering what magic wisdom some of you have come upon that may help me get a bit more organized in my approach. Suggestions?

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